WeightWorld High Strength Ginger Capsules – 14,400mg 2 Month Supply – Pure Natural Ginger Root Tablets وايت ورلد ،كبسولات جذور الجنزبيل النقية الطبيعية، عالية التركيز 14,400 مجم، لصحة المفاصل والعظام ، ولصحة الجهاز الهضمى والجهاز الدورى

2.004 EGP

  • جذور الجنزبيل النباتى عالى الجودة و عالى التركيز 14400 مجم للكبسولة
  • يحسن الجنزبيل عمل الجهاز الهضمى ويعمل على راحة المعدة وصحة التمثيل الغذائى
  • يمتلك الجنزبيل نفس خصائص الكركم في القضاء على آلام المفاصل والعظام وتسهيل الحركة
  • له خواص مضادة للإلتهابات ومضادة للأكسدة ولذا يقلل أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية
  • يخفض مستوى الكوليسترول الضار و يقلل نسبه سكر الدم
  • يحسن صحة وظائف المخ
  • جذور الجنزبيل آمنه جدا ولا يوجد أعراض جانبيه مهمه لتناولها
  • ينصح بها مرضى السكر ومرضى القلب
  • ✔ CONCENTRATED GINGER ROOT EXTRACT FOR STOMACH ✔ – Ever had to deal with unwanted stomach discomfort whilst on the move? Ginger Root Extract tablet supplements are perfect for balancing your stomach acid so that you can feel more comfortable and travel ready. Each pure Ginger tablet works to balance digestion and settle your stomach.
  • ✔ TARGETS JOINTS & BONES ✔ – Common pain and discomfort in the knee or elbow can be problematic. Ginger possesses the same properties as turmeric, a natural ingredient for joints. Our pure Ginger powder capsules work to target joints such as the knee and elbow to help with mobility.
  • ✔ 14,400MG OF PURE GINGER ROOT EXTRACT PER CAPSULE ✔ – If it is power that you are looking for, our Ginger pills pack the strongest formula on the market with 14,400mg per capsule. Try ours and experience a health boost power that you simply won’t find with other Ginger Root Supplements for helping to settle stomach, care of joints, and circulation support as well.
  • ✔ FOR HEART HEALTH, BLOOD FLOW & METABOLISM TOO ✔ – Our natural Ginger food supplement is also great for your heart and blood flow too. Taking Ginger capsules can help to fight problems with blood flow caused by stress for an overall healthy heart. It is also known to help boost metabolism for healthy digestion.
  • ✔ VEGAN & VEGETARIAN CAPSULES ✔ – Enjoy our superior strength Ginger Capsules even if you practice a plant-based lifestyle. These Ginger Root Capsules are suitable for vegans and vegetarians and are also gluten-free too!

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SKU: 7443 Category:
Ginger Capsules Intensive Colon Cleanse Montmorency Cherry Organic Turmeric with Black Pepper & Ginger Premium Vitamin C
Ginger Capsules Intensive Colon Cleanse Montmorency Cherry Organic Turmeric with Black Pepper & Ginger Premium Vitamin C
Size 60 Capsules 60 Capsules 90 Capsules 180 Capsules 120 Capsules
Key Ingredients Pure Ginger Root Extract Friendly Bacteria, Psyllium Husk Montmorency Cherry Turmeric, Black Pepper, Ginger Vitamin C, Turmeric, Black Garlic
Health Benefits Settles Stomach, Joints, Metabolism Detox Colon, Digestive Support, Immunity Sleep, Immunity, Metabolism Joints, Metabolism, Digestion Immunity, Skin, Energy Levels
Natural Formula