
Solgar Triple Strength Omega-3 950 mg, 100 Softgels – 100 Servings سولجر أوميجا3 ، 950 مجم ، من زيت السمك 100 سوفت جل _ 100 جرعة

5.300 EGP

  • شركة سولجر من أفضل الشركات الأمريكية لصناعة المكملات الغذائية وحاصلة على العديد من شهادات الجودة العالمية
  • زيت السمك يحتوى على تركيز عالى من الأوميجا3
  •  تحسن أوميجا 3 صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية
  • كما تقوى و تحسن صحة العظام والمفاصل
  • مهمه لصحة المخ و لتحسين الذاكرة ولصحة العين
  • تنصح الأمهات الحوامل بتناول جرعات عالية من الأوميجا3
  • تعتبر الأوميجا 3 آمنه جدا ولا يوجد أعراض جانبيه مهمه لتناولها
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى 3 أشهر
  • Solgar’s Highest Concentration of Natural Omega 3; Triple Strength Omega-3 950 mg Softgels provide optimally pure and potent Omega3 polyunsaturates EPA and DHA; Contains three times the levels of good fats found in common fish oil supplements
  • Brain, Eye, And Heart Health; The essential fatty acids (EPA and DHA) in this fish oil formulation also support cardiovascular, joint, and skin health; Excellent daily dietary support for health and wellbeing
  • Tested For Optimum Purity; Sourced from deep-sea, cold water fish; Solgar Triple Strength Omega 3 950mg EPA and DHA Softgels are purified via molecular distillation to remove mercury and other environmental impurities
  • GLUTEN-FREE: These softgels are non-GMO and gluten free. They are free of: gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast, sugar, and sodium. They are also free of artificial flavors, sweeteners, preservatives and colors
  • The Gold Standard: For over 70 years Solgar has been committed to quality, health, and well-being. Our mission is to create the finest nutritional supplements in small batches, through tireless research, using only the finest raw materials

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Body-Ready B12; Solgar Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) 5000 mcg nuggets support general wellbeing; B12
Supports Cardiovascular, Joint, Skin & Heart Health - Essential Fatty Acids
fish oil formulation also support cardiovascular, joint, and skin health
For over 70 years Solgar has been committed to quality, health, and well-being.
nutritional supplements in small batches, tireless research, using only the finest raw materials