
Rainforest Foods Organic Broken Cell Wall Chlorella Tablets 500mg Pack of 300 الكلوريلا العضوية 500 مجم _ 300 حباية ، غذاء خارق لصحة الإنسان

Original price was: 1.901 EGP.Current price is: 1.050 EGP.

  • الكلوريلا العضوية نوع من الطحالب ينمو فى الماء العذب و غنى بالأحماض الأمينية والفيتامينات والمعادن التى يجعلها غذاء خارق لصحة الإنسان
  • طحلب الكلوريلا النباتى العضوى النقى 100% عالى التركيز 500مجم
  • يحتوى كل قرص على مسحوق الكلوريلا المحطم جدار خلاياها لكى يجعل المغذيات والفيتامينات والمعادن متاحة أكثر للإمتصاص
  • غنية بفيتامين ب12 و فيتامين أ و فيتامين د و الحديد و الماغنسيوم و الفوسفور والكلوروفيل
  • الكلوريلا غنية بمضادات الأكسدة  ومضادات الإلتهابات و مفيدة فى تحسين صحة الجهاز المناعى
  • لصحة الجلد والشعر والأظافر و يحارب الشيخوخة والتجاعيد
  • يحسن الكلوريلا صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ولصحة وظائف المخ
  • يحسن ضغط الدم و يخفض نسبة الكولسترول الضار
  • صنع فى بريطانيا
  • آمن وخالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • 50% extra free, 300 x 500mg tablets for the price of 200.
  • High in Vitamin B12, D and Iron, and a source of Chlorophyll.
  • Tablets are 100% pure with no binders or fillers, containing only organic broken-cell wall Chlorella powder compressed into a tablet.
  • Certified organic by the Soil Association and certified Vegan by the Vegan Society.
  • Rainforest Foods will fund the purchase of one square metre of cloud forest in the Neblina Reserve in Ecuador for every pack sold.

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Rainforest Foods Organic Chlorella Tablets 300 x 500mg This bottle 300 tablets. Each tablet contains 500mg of organic broken cell-wall Chlorella powder (Chlorella vulgaris). Product Information – What is Chlorella? Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris) is a blue-green algae, regarded as one of the world’s most complete foods. It is known as a popular basis to detoxification programmes. However, it is increasingly regarded as a useful general dietary supplement that provides broad support for a healthy diet. It is popular among people with active lifestyles. Two notable components of Chlorella are the green pigment Chlorophyll and Chlorella Growth Factor. Chlorella contains Vitamins A, B12 and D and minerals which include Iodine, Iron, Manganese and Phosphorous. Production – How it’s made Rainforest Foods Chlorella is produced organically on an island in the South China Sea using photosynthesis, the natural process by which plants absorb energy from sunlight. Batches of algae grow, multiplying naturally and rapidly in pools of pure water. They are harvested when they reach the required density. A Chlorella cell has a tough outer wall. While the cell wall is an aid to detoxification as it binds toxins to it as we digest the Chlorella, it also creates a barrier which reduces the amount of nutrients available from within the cell. Our Chlorella is a type known as ‘broken cell wall Chlorella’. After harvesting, the Chlorella cell walls are broken by a high-impact jet spray process before the Chlorella is dried and milled to powder. The cell wall-breaking process does not damage the contents, but does make them more available for absorption. The tablets are made by compressing pure organic Chlorella powder into tablets. Rainforest Foods Chlorella tablets do not contain bulking agents such as magnesium stearate or any other ingredients. They are 100% pure Chlorella, with nothing added and nothing taken away. Related products Also available Rainforest Foods Organic Chlorella and Spirulina CapsulesRainforest Foods Organic Chlorella and Spirulina TabletsRainforest Foods Organic Chlorella Powder Rainforest Foods – Our Values Since it began, Rainforest Foods’ purpose has been to help people combine good nutrition with modern life. Realising that a return to time-rich living close to the land is just not possible, we have sourced a range of wholefoods whose exceptional nutritional richness can support modern lifestyles rather than forcing them to change. We look all around the world for these foods, and have them processed in a way that keeps as much nutrition as possible while making them convenient for you to use. Some of our products are grown by people living and farming in a traditional manner. We choose suppliers that support these producers, their low-intensity production and their environmentally sustainable practices. Our foods are grown by organic methods, so their nutrition remains uncompromised by chemicals. Nature’s Finest Foods… it’s what we do. Organic and Vegan Certification All Rainforest Foods products are organically certified by the Soil Association, a UK organic certification body. Soil Association certification – indicated by the Soil Association logo and the EU organic leaf symbol on our packaging – is a guarantee that our customers are purchasing an organic product. All Rainforest Foods products are certified as suitable for vegan use by The Vegan Society. Rainforest Concern – Giving back As part of its social responsibility programme, Rainforest Foods aims to raise awareness of the environmental and social change that is affecting many of the world’s rainforest regions. We do this by promoting the work of one of the leading charities that operates in this field: Rainforest Concern. For every pack we sell, Rainforest Foods will donate funds allowing Rainforest Concern, a UK-based charity, to purchase one square meter of cloud forest, to expand the Neblina Reserve, Ecuador.

Box Contains

300 x 500mg Chlorella Tablets