
Nusapure Chlorophyll Concentrate 400 mg 150 Vegetarian Caps

2.450 EGP

  • شركة نياسا بيور إحدى الشركات الأمريكية المتخصصة فى إنتاج المكملات الغذائية عالية الجودة والنقاء
  • الكلوروفيل هى الصبغة الخضراء الموجودة فى النباتات وهى التى تقوم بعملية البناء الضوئى ويساعد الكلوروفيل فى دعم الأكسجين المتاح للخلايا الى جانب زيادة إنتاج خلايا الدم الحمراء
  •  الكلوروفيل النقى 100% عالى الجرعة 400 مجم للجرعة
  •  من المعروف ان الكلوروفيل يدعم مستويات الطاقة ويدعم صحة الهضم ولصحة الأمعاء ويدعم صحة الكبد
  •  الكلوروفيل يساعد على نضارة البشرة و حماية الجلد ويساعد فى التئام الجروح
  •  نقى 100% و طبيعى و خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • كبسولات نباتية خالية من اللون والطعم الصناعى ، 150 كبسولة نباتية ، كبسولتان يومياً وتفضل مع الوجبات
  • Our Top Rated supplement delivers 400mg of 100% pure Chlorophyll supplement per Serving.*
  • Every capsules delivers 200mg of Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll supplements have been known to support energy levels. It is also known to support digestion, help protect the skin, support liver health, and support wound healing.*
  • Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants and is vital in the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll concentrate helps support the oxygen available to cells along with red blood cell production.*
  • Manufactured in the USA , in a cGMP registered facility with the highest manufacturing and sourcing standards.
  • As a small family business, we fully understand the uncertainty and risk of trying new supplements. And this is why we go extra mile to source only the highest quality ingredients. Also, trust and transparency is at the forefront of our brand. We list every single ingredient on our products so that you can make an informative decision. Let us know if you have any questions or if can be of any service!

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Are you looking for one of the most complete Chlorophyll Concentrate Capsule for your body?: 
– Extra Strength Chlorophyll Concentrate 400mg per Serving (200mg Per Capsule)
– Max Supply (150 Veggie Capsules & Over 75 Days Supply)
– 100% Pure

Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that harnesses the sun’s energy in photosynthesis. It performs metabolic functions in plants such as respiration and growth.

Interestingly, the chlorophyll molecule is chemically similar to human blood, except that its central atom is magnesium, whereas that of human blood is iron.

The alfalfa plant, from which chlorophyll comes, is an excellent source of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll concentrate helps support the oxygen available to cells along with red blood cell production.

What Are The Benefits of Chlorophyll Concentrate Powder: 

  • Support energy levels*
  • Helps improve immune response and deodorize the body*
  • Support digestion, intestinal health*
  • Support liver health*
  • Skin protection*


Why NusaPure Chlorophyll Concentrate Capsules: 
– Manufactured in the USA with quality ingredients
– Only natural items are used in the creation of this product
– Capsules that are easy to swallow, tasteless and odorless
– Pure extract with a maximum strength formula
– No Artificial Color, Flavor or Sweetener, No Preservatives, No Starch, No Milk, No Corn, No Soy, No Egg, No Lactose, No Gluten, No Wheat, No Yeast, No Sugar, No Fish