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NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Men – with Natural Vitamins, Minerals, Organic Extracts – Vegetarian – Best for Energy, Brain, Heart, Eye Health – 120 Vegan Capsules فيتامينات ومعادن متعددة نباتية وعضوية للرجال ، لصحة القلب والمخ والعين وإنتاج الطاقة ، 120 كبسولة نباتية

3.400 EGP

  • شركة ناتشريلو إحدى الشركات الأمريكية المتخصصة فى صناعة المكملات الغذائية الطبيعية العضوية النباتية
  • تركيبة ممتازة من الفيتامينات الطبيعية من مصادر نباتية عضوية من الفواكه والخضروات
  •  طعام كامل غنى بمضادات الأكسدة الكركم والجنزبيل والريسفيراترول والشاى الأخضر والقرفة واللوتين والروتين و استازانتين و كيو 10 والأعشاب والأنزيمات الهاضمة
  • مضادات الأكسدة القوية ذات الأصل النباتى لصحة المخ والقلب والعين
  • لدعم الجهاز المناعى ولصحة التمثيل الغذائى وزيادة إنتاج الطاقة و لصحة العظام والجهاز الهضمى والبروستاتا
  • غذاء كامل من الفيتامينات والمعادن المتعددة للرجال
  • تركيبه أساسها النبات
  • فيتامينات طبيعية
  • معادن أساسية
  • خضروات وفواكه عضوية
  • صنع فى أمريكا
  • معتمد من الطرف الثالث
  • خالى من الكافيين و من منتجات الألبان وخالى من الإضافات وخالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • العبوه تكفى لمدة شهر بمعدل 4 كبسولات يومياً ، كبسولتان مع الإفطار و كبسولتان مع العشاء
  • Premium Formula with Natural Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K ★ Organic Fruit & Vegetable Blends ★ Non GMO ★ Gluten Free ★ Does NOT Contain Soy, Gelatin, Egg, Dairy or Caffeine ★ No Additives or Fillers ★ Made in USA
  • Supports Immunity ★ Boosts Metabolism & Energy ★ Heart, Brain & Prostate Health ★ Reduces Inflammation & Stress ★ Promotes Healthy Immune Response & Wellness ★ Aids Vision, Digestion & Bone Strength*
  • Vitamin C from Acerola Cherry (not Synthetic Ascorbic Acid), Vegan D3 from Lichen, B12 as Methylcobalamin, Active B6, Folate (not Folic Acid), B Complex Fermented in Probiotics, K2 MK-7 ★ Minerals: Plant-Based Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc & Potassium
  • Wholefood Antioxidants: Turmeric/Curcumin, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Grapeseed, Resveratrol, Green Tea, Ceylon Cinnamon, Lycopene, Lutein, Rutin, Astaxanthin & CoQ10 ★ Herbs, Digestive Enzymes, High Potency Ingredients & Raw Nutrients. In rare cases, side effects may include nausea, lethargy, cramping, or dizziness.
  • Each bottle contains a thirty (30) day supply. Take four (4) capsules daily. For best results, take two (2) with breakfast and two (2) with dinner. You can open the capsules and add the powder to your food or drink.

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NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for MenAt NATURELO Premium Supplements we believe that the best vitamins and minerals come from nature, not from a lab. We take the gifts of nature – delicious, organically-grown fruits and vegetables – and pack them into potent, high-quality supplements that work naturally with your body. We want you to experience the benefits of whole food nutrition even if your busy lifestyle doesn’t allow you to eat enough nutrient-rich foods every day.

High-Quality, Natural Vitamins and Minerals You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

Here are just some of the premium nutrients you will find in our Whole Food Multivitamin for Women:

  • Vitamin A – From 100% natural beta-carotene, we never use the cheaper synthetics.
  • Vitamin C – Sourced from real, Organic Acerola Cherries.
  • Vitamin D3 – Plant-based vitamin D3 from Lichen, not the animal-sourced Lanolin.
  • Vitamin E – Derived from vegetable oil, we never use the cheaper synthetic version.
  • Vitamin K2 – Vitamin K2 as Menaquinone-7, not the less effective vitamin K1.
  • Folate – We use L-Methylfolate – the active form of Folate, which can be absorbed by your body without conversion, unlike Folic Acid which cannot be absorbed by people with the MHTFR gene mutation.
  • Vitamin B12 – Only naturally-sourced, active Methylcobalamin, never the less effective Cyanocobalamin.
  • Calcium – Our plant-based Calcium is derived from Algae. Most calcium supplements use cheap Calcium Carbonate derived from crushed rocks, which can lead to the formation of plaque in your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease.
  • Iodine – Our Iodine is extracted from real Organic Kelp. We never use chemically-synthesized alternatives such as potassium iodide or sodium iodide.

Powerful Plant-Based Antioxidants for Your Brain, Heart and Eye Health

  • Resveratrol from Organic Grapes (good for your brain)
  • CoQ10 from Algae (good for your heart)
  • Rutin from Black Olives (good for your eyes)
  • Organic Decaf Green Tea extract (for your brain)
  • Organic Ceylon Cinnamon (good for your heart)
  • Lycopene from Tomatoes (good for your eyes)
  • Organic Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract (good for your brain)
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin from Marigold flowers (good for your eyes)
  • Organic Ginger root extract (good for your brain)
  • Organic Turmeric root extract (good for your heart)
  • Astaxanthin from Algae (good for your eyes)
  • Organic Grape Seed extract (good for your brain)

Commitment to Purity

Our supplements are carefully crafted to ensure that they are free of common allergens including soy, gluten, yeast, caffeine, dairy, or peanuts.

Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Our blend of organic fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins and phytonutrients that are great for your health.

Quality Manufacturing

Our supplements are made in the United States and we follow good manufacturing practices, so you can be confident our products are of high quality.

NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Men NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Men 50+ NATURELO One Daily Multivitamin for Men NATURELO One Daily Multivitamin for Men 50+ NATURELO Vitamin Gummies for Adults
NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Men NATURELO Whole Food Multivitamin for Men 50+ NATURELO One Daily Multivitamin for Men NATURELO One Daily Multivitamin for Men 50+ NATURELO Whole Food Vitamin Gummies for Adults
For Younger Men
For Men Over 50
Organic Fruit & Vegetable Blend
Digestive Enzyme & Probiotic Blend
Energy Blend
Prostate Health Blend
Brain Health Blend
Heart Health Blend
Eye Health Blend
Serving Size 4 Capsules 4 Capsules 1 Capsule 1 Capsule 4 Gummies