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GloryFeel Zinc 25mg 400 Tablets – High Dosage and Vegan – 25mg Basic Zinc from Pure Zinc Gluconate جلوكونات الزنك النقى ، 25مجم للجرعة ، 400 حباية نباتية

Original price was: 1.728 EGP.Current price is: 1.100 EGP.


  • الزنك المعدن الأمثل لتحسين صحة الجهاز المناعي
  • الزنك من مضادات الأكسدة و يحارب الشيخوخه والتجاعيد
  • يحسن الزنك من وظائف الانزيمات التي تهضم البروتينات والدهون والكربوهيدرات ويعمل على زيادة إنتاج الطاقة
  • الزنك ضرورى لتجديد الخلايا وصنع المادة الوراثية
  • ينصح الامهات الحوامل بتناوله لتحسين النمو و التطور الطبيعى للجنين
  • خالي من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى أكثر من 13 شهر
  • ✅ 400 VEGAN ZINC TABLETS – OVER 1 YEAR OF ZINC SUPPLY- Easy to swallow tablets each containing 25mg of pure zinc. One tablet per day means more than one year of complete supply (57-week supply).
  • ✅ MORE THAN A YEAR SUPPLY – BEST PRICE-PERFORMANCE RATIO – With an incredible 400 tablets supply, we offer you 35 tablets more than other suppliers at an unbeatable price-performance ratio. ? ? INCLUDING ZINC EBOOK – send us an email to support@gloryfeel.co.uk with lots of background information on zinc, essential trace elements and minerals.
  • ✅ ESSENTIAL MICRO NUTRIENT ELEMENT- According to the European Food Safety Authority, zinc contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. Zinc is one of the indispensable (essential) trace elements.
  • ✅ WITHOUT MAGNESIUM STEARATES AND OTHER UNEEDED ADDITIVES: Gelatin-free, free of separating agents such as magnesium salts of fatty acids (magnesium stearate), free of colorants and, of course, without genetic engineering.
  • ✅ BRAND QUALITY MANUFACTURED IN GERMANY – Manufactured in Germany under the highest quality standards and strictest quality controls, every GloryFeel product is subject to continuous testing by accredited test laboratories. ▶️ We will be happy to send you the test reports.

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zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate


The following effects are commonly associated with Zinc:


  • contributes to the preservation of normal skin
  • contributes to the preservation of normal bones
  • contributes to the preservation of normal a normal testosterone level in the blood
  • contributes to the preservation of normal hair
  • contributes to the preservation of normal nails
  • contributes to a normal macro nutrient metabolism
  • contributes to a normal fatty acid metabolism
  • contributes to a normal fertility and reproduction
  • contributes to a normal cognitive function
  • contributes to a normal function of the immune system
  • contributes to a normal acid-base metabolism
  • contributes to the preservation of normal sight
  • contributes to a normal carbonhydrate metabolism
zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate


Zinc is an essential trace element and is contained in the human body only in low amounts. The mineral is part of many enzymes. When on a meatless diet, a higher amount of whole-grain products and oilseeds should be consumed. Is the risk of a Zinc deficit isincreased, for example because of a vegan diet, Zinc tablets can be taken as a dietary supplement.

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate


  • 25 mg Zinc per tablet
  • 400 tablets suffice for more than 13 months
  • GMO-free and without artificial fertilizers, pesticides or fungicides
  • Gluten free
  • Sugar free
  • Without Magnesium stearates
  • Produced under strict quality guidelines
  • 100% vegan – suitable for vegans and vegetarians
  • eBook with much information about Zinc included

GloryFeel stands for Highest Quality

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

Feel Good

Health, wellbeing and vitality are some of the most important things in life. We at GloryFeel took it as our mission to reintroduce the natural ideal compound condition to the human body and restore the balance of the body. We are convinced that any kind of deficiency can be averted through active counteractions. Everybody should have the opportunity to increase their wellbeing.

Optimal Care

When looking for optimal care with all important vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants we came across orthomolecular medicine. Orthomolecular medicine assumes that because of the modern one-sided diet there is a biochemical imbalance in our bodies. Since the inner balance is the base of our health, it has to be restored through the addition of the right vital substances to our diet.

Highest Quality

The ingredients of our supplements are GMO-free and without artificial fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides or other chemical additives. Supplements of the highest quality are a matter of course for us. Therefore our products are subjected to the high quality standards of German production.

Natural Dietary Supplements

As a manufacturer of natural dietary supplements it is our aim to produce on the highest quality level. Only high-quality substance help you to enjoy a vital and healthy life. As manufacturer we want to help you to easily integrate natural dietary supplements in your daily diet.

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

Feel good with GloryFeel

How many nutrients does our food contain in the time of industrial processing? Is an adequate provision with vital substances and micronutrients possible?

We at GloryFeel want to live a little bit healthier every day – as manufacturer we are in the lucky position to decide what we offer. What is not to 100% conform with our expectations will not be distributed on the market. This way we make sure, that each of our products is made with experience, passion and love. To make it short: We will not sell, what we would not want to take every day as well.

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

Feel good with GloryFeel

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

Best Resource Selection

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

Product Development with Passion

zinc capsules immune booster high strength tablets zinc vitamin zink supplement ionic zink gluconate

For the Love of our Clients