Focus Saw Palm Extract High Dose Capsules (Saw Palmetto) – 3000 mg 20:1 Extract with Zinc – 120 Vegan Capsules | For Healthy Prostate & Hormonal Balance in Men منشار بالميتو عالى جرعة 3000 مجم استخلاص 1: 20 مع الزنك ، لصحة البروستاتا و لحفظ التوازن الهرمونى للرجال ، 120 كبسولة نباتية

1.980 EGP

  • يستخدم بالميتو المنشار منذ القدم كمكمل عشبى ، وهو نوع من أشجار النخيل ينمو فى الساحل الجنوبى الشرقى للولايات المتحده وهو غنى بالأحماض الدهنية
  •  مستخلص بالميتو المنشار 3000 مجم للكبسولة بنسبة إستخلاص 1 : 20 مع 15 مجم من الزنك
  •  بالميتو المنشار العشب الأمثل لصحة البروستاتا ولعلاج تضخم البروستاتا ويساعد فى علاج مشاكل الإنجاب وزيادة جودة الحيوانات المنوية
  • يحسن بالميتو المنشار الصحة الإنجابية للرجال و يحسن صحة المسالك البولية
  • غنى بمضادات الأكسدة و يحسن صحة البشرة و يغذى البشرة بالأحماض الدهنية الأساسية
  • يعمل بالميتو المنشار على حفظ التوازن الهرمونى للرجال وزيادة هرمون التستوسترون وبالتالى يقلل فقدان الشعر
  • صنع فى بريطانيا بمكونات عالية الجودة التى تلبى معايير صارمه لمراقبة الجودة والنظافة
  •  خالى من منتجات الألبان ومن مسببات الحساسية ومن مواد المعالجة وراثيا ومناسب للنباتيين
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى لمدة 4 أشهر بمعدل كبسولة يومياً
  • HIGH STRENGTH FORMULA, GREAT VALUE – Each serving of 1 daily capsule provides a huge 3000mg of Saw Palmetto (from 20:1 Extract) and 15mg of Zinc. Each bottle contains 120 capsules providing great value for money with 4 months supply
  • SAW PALMETTO – Saw Palmetto has been used for many years as a herbal supplement. Saw Palmetto a type of palm tree that grows in the warm climate of the southeast coast of the U.S., the fruits of which are enriched with fatty acids.
  • A BETTER WAY TO SUPPLEMENT – Our Saw Palmetto supplement is dairy, gluten and allergen free and suitable for vegans and vegetarians
  • MANUFACTURED IN ISO LICENCED FACILITIES IN THE UK – Our UK-based team of experts source only the highest quality ingredients that meet our strict quality control and hygiene standards. This product is Non-GMO.
  • THE FS COMMITMENT TO MENTAL WELLBEING – Our directive is to provide every customer with the highest quality supplement, to benefit both cognitive and overall health. By purchasing you’re helping a worthy cause – a portion of each sale is donated directly to the Alzheimer’s Society. You have helped donate thousands of pounds to date. Thank you.

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What is Saw Palm? Saw Palm is a subtype of palm tree with distinctive serrated leaves that look like saw teeth. The berries of the saw palm contain a number of fatty substances that have been proven to have a balancing effect on male hormones (androgen). This makes them useful for a variety of hormone-related problems including hair loss, fatigue, low libido, weakness and prostate problems. How does Saw Palm work? Saw Palm works with an enzyme called 5-Alpha Reductase, which is responsible for the conversion of free testosterone into 5-alpha dihydrotestosterone. 5-alpha dihydrotestosterone is about five times as strong as testosterone and is considered one of the main causes of age-related hormone disorders in men and women. In addition, saw palm extracts contain many antioxidants that protect the body from environmental influences. What are the advantages of Saw Palm?

  • Supports the health of the prostate
  • Fights premature hair loss.
  • Increases male fertility & libido
  • Helps maintain an optimal hormone balance of men and women.

Why is zinc included? Zinc is an important factor in the formation and use of male hormones such as testosterone. A lack of this essential mineral is a common side effect of the modern diet. The addition of zinc ensures that you consume the recommended amount of zinc daily to ensure optimum reproduction health. How much should I take? Each capsule contains a highly concentrated extract of saw palm and zinc – we recommend taking only one capsule per day. For best results, it is important to take sawworm consistently, i.e. every day at the same time with the food.

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