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FAIRHAVEN HEALTH FertilAid for Men: Male Fertility Supplement

3.750 EGP

  • مكمل الخصوبه الذكورى : لتحسين صحة الحيوانات المنوية وحركتها و تشكلها
  • مجموعه من الفيتامينات والمعادن والماكا و كيو10 لزيادة عدد الحيوانات المنوية
  • يوفر مجموعة واسعة من الفيتامينات والمغذيات ومضادات الأكسدة الخاصه لزيادة إنتاج الطاقة وزيادة الخصوبة والحيوية الجنسية
  • يحتوى على فولات الميثيل وهو الشكل النشط بيولوجيا لفيتامين ب 9 و يحتوى على فيتامين ب12
  • A PATENTED, CLINICALLY STUDIED MALE FERTILITY SUPPLEMENT: In a 90 day, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Involving 14 Men Receiving Either FertilAid for Men or a Placebo, the FertilAid for Men Group Showed Significant Improvement in the Total Count of Normal-Motile Sperm
  • A POPULAR DIETARY SUPPLEMENT SINCE 2003, FertilAid for Men Provides Both Complete Multivitamin Support Plus Key Ingredients for Supporting Male Fertility
  • DESIGNED WITH SPERM HEALTH IN MIND With Ingredients to Support Sperm Count, Motility, and Morphology, Including L-Carnitine, Maca, CoQ10, Zinc, and Vitamin B12. Contains No Wheat, Gluten, or Dairy. Suitable for Vegetarians
  • FROM THE GO-TO BRAND FOR TTC COUPLES – For More than 15 Years Fairhaven Health Has Been Trusted by Men and Women Looking to Support Reproductive Health and Fertility


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FertilAid Men, clinically proven to improve sperm count, male infertility, doctor approved, motility


  • POWERFUL MALE FERTILITY PILL PLUS DAILY PRECONCEPTION MULTIVITAMIN – This 2-in-1 Patented, Science-Based Formulation Offers a Key Amino Acid, Herbs, and Antioxidants to Support Sperm Count and Health PLUS a Daily Preconception Vitamin
  • A CLINICALLY STUDIED MALE FERTILITY SUPPLEMENT: In a 90 day, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Involving 14 Men Receiving Either FertilAid for Men or a Placebo, the FertilAid for Men Group Showed Significant Improvement in the Total Count of Normal-Motile Sperm (G Clifton and JE Ellington. Prospective Study of FertilAid Vitamin in Men with Low Sperm Quality. Journal of Andrology, March/April 2009 Supplement, Abstract #25)
  • OFFERS MORE POTENT SUPPORT THAN OTHER MALE FERTILITY PILLS Including Twice the Amount of Vitamin C, Three Times the Amount of Zinc and Beta Carotene.
  • CONTAINS METHYLFOLATE IN PLACE OF SYNTHETIC FOLIC ACID – Methylfolate is the Bioactive Form of Vitamin B9, An Important Nutrient for Many Physiological Processes. Also Offers Methylated Vitamin B12 as Methylcobalamin.
  • CONTAINS THE AMINO ACID L-CARNITINE – Widely Studied and Used for Male Fertility.
  • BOOSTS LEVELS OF NATURAL RAW MATERIALS IN YOUR BODY – Offers A Wide Spectrum of Key Vitamins, Specialty Nutrients & Antioxidants to Support Energy, Vitality, Fertility, and Sexual Vitality.
  • MADE IN THE USA from Domestic and Imported Ingredients in a cGMP Facility for Fairhaven Health, a Trusted, Go-To Brand for Couples who are Trying to Conceive.

Setting a High Bar for Natural Support of Male Fertility Headquartered in the northwest corner of Washington state with daily views of Mt. Baker and Mt. Shuksan, Fairhaven Health has pioneered using natural ingredients to support couples reproductive health. FertilAid for Men was the first supplement to support male fertility on two fronts by combining key fertility herbs and antioxidants – including Maca, Zinc, CoQ10, and L-carnitine tartrate – along with comprehensive multivitamin support. FertilAid for Men is patented, clinically-studied and continues to set a high bar for natural support for male fertility and reproductive health. Protected by US Patents: 8,663,709; 8,974,838

increase sperm count, increase motility, clinically proven, clinical result, proven to improve sperm

Clinically Studied To Support the Number of Total Motile Sperm

Male fertility is in part a numbers game – the more sperm you have, the better the chances that one of those will be vital enough to fertilize the egg. Motility and morphology are also key factors – that is, sperm have to swim fast and be of the right shape in order to reach and penetrate the egg. FertilAid for Men offers fertility-targeted nutrients to support sperm health. In a 90 day, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 14 men receiving either FertilAid for Men or a placebo, the FertilAid for Men group showed significant improvement in the total count of normal-motile sperm. (G Clifton and JE Ellington. Prospective Study of FertilAid Vitamin in Men with Low Sperm Quality. Journal of Andrology, March/April 2009 Supplement, Abstract #25). Disclaimer: Results vary. The results of this clinical study do not necessarily represent typical results. Fairhaven Health does not have data on typical results.

CountBoost, Motility Boost, customizable male fertility supplement, male infertility, fairhaven

A Customizable Stack to Meet Your Individual Needs

FertilAid for Men and its companion products of CountBoost and MotilityBoost were carefully designed to offer modular and customizable support for sperm health. The foundation of this male fertility stack is Fertilaid for Men – launched in 2003, as the first fully comprehensive fertility supplement designed to provide baseline nutritional support plus targeted fertility ingredients. Sometimes you will need an extra boost in your sperm count or motility or both. If this describes you, then layer CountBoost and Motility Boost on top of FertilAid for Men for the biggest boost to your sperm health. The FertilAid for Men supplement stack offers comprehensive daily vitamin and mineral support, plus it contains the most popular herbs, antioxidants, specialty nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for male fertility and sperm health: L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, CoQ10, Zinc, Vitamin B12, Maca, Ashwagandha, and Mucuna pruriens.

male infertility, male prenatal, libido, semen booster, sperm boost, low sperm count, get pregnant
male fertility pill, male preconception vitamin, FertilAid, two in one pill
team effort
Male Fertility Bundle

A 2-in-1 Formulation. Producing optimal sperm in the right amounts requires that the body has all the raw materials it needs. FertilAid for Men is a 2-in-1 solution that includes ingredients to boost your sperm health PLUS a daily preconception multivitamin. The proprietary fertility blend brings together ingredients to help support sperm count, shape, motility, and integrity. The multivitamin provides comprehensive vitamin support; that means no unnecessary redundancies.

Start Your Baby With a Clean Set of Chromosomes. The story is only half over once sperm meets egg. The sperm’s 23 chromosomes need to be free of fragmentation or defect to give the baby the best start to life. These key antioxidants help with sperm integrity:

  • Vitamins C, E, Beta Carotene help to keep free radicals at bay.
  • Selenium and Grapeseed Extract remove free-radicals.
  • CoQ10 is important for energy production in the mitochondria.

Make it a Team Effort with the FertilAid Value Pack. Both YOU and your partner need to optimize nutritional status when trying to conceive. Like FertilAid for Men, FertilAid for Women provides daily preconception vitamin support PLUS targeted fertility ingredients, like Vitex, to support hormone balance and cycle regularity. Get the FertilAid Value Pack to help you reach your shared fertility and health goals.

Get the Complete Stack. For additional support for your sperm health, try the Male Fertility Bundle, which includes FertilAid for Men, CountBoost, and MotilityBoost. This male fertility stack offers comprehensive daily vitamin and mineral support, plus it contains the most popular herbs, antioxidants, specialty nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for male fertility and sperm health.