Dr Tobias Deep Immune Probiotic & Prebiotic 4.4 Billion CFUs, Supports a Healthy Gut and No Refrigeration Neededدكتور توبياس المناعة العميقة البروبيوتيك والبريبيوتيك 4,4 مليار وحدة دولية

1.901 EGP

  • تركيبة خاصة من البروبيوتيك لتحسين الصحة العامة للرجال و النساءوخاصة لصحة الأمعاء و القولون
  • البروبيوتك خليط من البكتيريا النافعة التي تحسن عملية الهضم
  • لتحسين صحة الجهاز الهضمى والجهاز المناعى
  • لتحسين صحة التمثيل الغذائى وزيادة إنتاج الطاقة
  • لتحسين التمثيل الغذائى للإستفادة من جميع الفيتامينات والمعادن الموجودة فى الطعام
  • ولتحسين صحة القلب والاوعية الدموية
  • خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • DUAL BENEFIT: 4.4 Billion CFU* probiotics formulated with prebiotics – the ultimate combination for healthy digestion.
  • ADVANCED FORMULATION: Made with advanced spore-forming strains that withstand stomach acid and release in the intestine for better absorption.
  • ESSENTIAL FOR GUT HEALTH: Probiotics made with built-in prebiotics, essential for your gut health and immune system (may cause stomach irritation, please see safety warnings below).
  • NO REFRIGERATION NEEDED: Our probiotic strain doesn’t require refrigeration.
  • THIRD-PARTY TESTED FACILITY: For product purity, effectiveness, ingredient safety, nutritional value and label accuracy. The highest standard guaranteed.

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Digestive health is extremely important to overall wellness. That’s why we pack our probiotic capsules with what your digestive system needs. Every serving contains over 4.4 billion colony forming units, providing good bacteria to help create healthy digestion. Every capsule also contains prebiotics, an added ingredient that makes our probiotics even more effective, even in small doses. There’s also no need to refrigerate, so you can get your probiotics wherever you need them. We all want to feel our best, reach our goals, live our dreams and love who we see in the mirror. Discovering exactly what you need with the right advice and supplies can be hard. That’s why we’re here. Because…

There’s a Science to Being Your Best

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dr tobias, deep immune, probiotic, probiotics, prebiotics, supplements, gut health, immune system,
dr tobias, deep immune, probiotic, probiotics, prebiotics, supplements, gut health, immune system
dr tobias, deep immune, probiotic, probiotics, prebiotics, supplements, gut health, immune system
dr tobias, deep immune, probiotic, probiotics, GMP certified, made in USA