Dr. Berg’s Adrenal Glandular – Cortisol Manager, More Energy, Focus, Stress and Immunity Support with Hormone Balance Formula – Adrenal Fatigue Supplements – 60 capsules

2.350 EGP

  • يساعد مكمل الغدد الكظرية دكتور بيرغ على مكافحة التعب الكظري ويعزز مقاومتك للإجهاد مع مسحوق الغدد الكظرية النقي. هذا المكمل يعطي الكظري استراحة يستحقها حتى يتعافى من الإفراط في الاستخدام والتعب. الغدد الكظرية هي أسهل طريقة لتعزيز وظيفة الغدد الكظرية الطبيعية.
  • – الغدد الكظرية لا يقلل فقط من التعب الكظري، بل يساعد أيضًا على مكافحة ضباب الدماغ العرضي، ويعزز الهدوء والتوازن الطاقتي الجسدي والعقلي. هذا المكمل هو أفضل طريقة لاستعادة طاقتك بعد الإصابة بالغدة الكظرية. كما يعزز مكمل الغدد الكظري القوي مستويات الهرمونات الطبيعية ويساعد على تعزيز أدائك.
  • تم تصميم الغدد الكظرية دكتور بيرغ لاسترخاء الجسم من خلال دعم مستويات الهرمونات العادية. كما أنه يسرع عملية تخفيف التوتر عن طريق تعزيز إشارات مزاجية “سعيدة”. استخدام الغدد الكظرية مثل الضغط على زر إعادة الضبط على الكظرية المحترقة.
  • الكورتيسول هو هرمون الإجهاد الأساسي للجسم. كما يعمل الكورتيسول كمضاد قوي للالتهابات، مما يساعد على تنظيم استجابة جسمك المناعية. مكملات غذائية تساعد غدّك على استعادة وظيفتها الطبيعية، وأن يعيد مستويات الكورتيزول، وبالتالي يمكن لجهاز المناعة أن يستعيد حساسية الكورتيزول.
  • ??????? ??? ??? ??????? ??????? – Dr. Berg’s Adrenal Glandular supplement helps fight off adrenal fatigue and boost your resistance to stress with pure adrenal powder. This supplement gives your adrenals a well-deserved break so they can recover from overuse and fatigue. Adrenal Glandular is the easiest way to promote normal adrenal function.
  • ???????? ???????? ???? ??? ???? – Adrenal Glandular not only reduces adrenal fatigue, it also helps fight occasional brain fog, and promotes calm, balanced physical and mental energy. This supplement is the best way to restore your energy after adrenal burnout. This powerful adrenal supplement also promotes natural hormone levels and helps boost your performance.
  • ?????? ?????????? – Dr. Berg’s Adrenal Glandular is designed to relax the body by supporting normal hormone levels. It also speeds up the process of relieving stress by promoting “happy” mood signals. Using Adrenal Glandular is like hitting a reset button on burnt-out adrenals.
  • ??????? ?????? ?????? – Cortisol is the body’s primary stress hormone. Cortisol also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory, which helps regulate your body’s immune response. Our supplements help your glands to regain their normal function, and to normalize cortisol levels, so the immune system can regain sensitivity to cortisol.

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SKU: 24239 Category:

Product Description

Dr. Berg's Adrenal Glandular Cortisol Manager More Energy Focus Immunity Support Hormone Balance
Dr. Berg Adrenal Glandular - Cortisol Manager More Energy Focus Immunity Support Hormone Balance

Dr. Berg Adrenal Glandular - Cortisol Manager More Energy Focus Immunity Support Hormone Balance

Dr. Berg Adrenal Glandular - Cortisol Manager More Energy Focus Immunity Support Hormone Balance

Dr. Berg Adrenal Glandular - Cortisol Manager More Energy Focus Immunity Support Hormone Balance

Dr. Berg Adrenal Glandular - Cortisol Manager More Energy Focus Immunity Support Hormone Balance


Many adrenal products contain fillers and additives that compromise their quality. Our top-tier Adrenal Glandular product contains 100% freeze-dried bovine adrenal gland powder. This means you don’t have to worry about unnecessary ingredients that could potentially cause more trouble in your body. We keep it simple with only one high-quality ingredient.

  • You struggle with chronic stress
  • You often feel exhausted, irritable, or fatigued after stressful situations
  • You want to support a healthy immune system
  • You experience brain fog or have trouble focusing on tasks
  • You need an easy and convenient way to help support healthy adrenal glands
  • You experience other common signs of adrenal fatigue


Dr. Berg Adrenal Glandular - Cortisol Manager More Energy Focus Immunity Support Hormone Balance

Dr. Eric Berg The Knowledge Doctor


Eric Berg, DC, Is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government and the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life.


  • High-quality bovine adrenal powder
  • Easy-to-swallow
  • 30 vegetable capsules in each bottle
  • Supports a healthy lifestyle


HOW TO USE ADRENAL GLANDULAR Using Adrenal Glandular is easy. You can take one capsule per day.

WHO SHOULDN’T USE ADRENAL GLANDULAR Children, mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and those who have preexisting health conditions should consult their doctor before using Adrenal Glandular or any other dietary supplement.

  • FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease