
Bio Atlantic Organic Echinacea Rudbeckia 400g – 200 Tablets الاشنسيا العضوية 400 مجم ، 200 حباية

Original price was: 1.650 EGP.Current price is: 1.500 EGP.

  • عشب الأشنسيا النباتى العضوى عالى الجودة والتركيز 400 مجم
  • يحسن عشب الاشينسيا صحة الجهاز المناعى و يزيد عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء
  • من مضادات الأكسدة و من مضادات الإلتهابات
  • لصحة الجهاز التنفسى والحماية من نزلات البرد
  • يحسن عمل الأغشية المخاطية
  • ويحسن الصحة العامة للجسم
  • آمن ولا يوجد أعراض جانبية مهمة لتناوله
  • خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى 3 أشهر
  • Bio Echinacea – 400g – 200 Tablets
  • Echinacea purpurea
  • Product of organic farming.
  • 2 to 3 tablets a day with a large glass of water during meals within the framework of a balanced diet.

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The Sun Hats of German often Palatalisiert, also known as note sun hats or hedgehog heads, a plant species are made from the family of the daises (aste Raceae). The botanical name Echinacea is from the Altgriechischen word Echínos For Species Sea Urchins (ECHINOIDEA) away, and refers to the petals superior of eye catching, Stachelspitzigen chaff the Gattungstypischen, tubes. All types have their home only in the Eastern and Central North America. Echinacea Type grow as a perennial herbaceous plants, the suit most growth heights of up to 140 cm. Apart from Echinacea purpurea have all types roots. The upright stems are Unverzweigt to Verzweigt. The plants can be hair One Another. The Wechselständig, Grundständig and distributed on the stems of practical leaves are more or less long holder. The simple Spreite has a, three or five leaf veins. The blade edge is mostly smooth, sometimes Gezähnt or cut-out. The blade surfaces are sometimes plain and most behaart.