“G&G Vitamins Vitamin C Complex 1000mg – with Rosehip and Acerola – 120 Capsules فيتامين ج مركب 1000 مجم مع ثمر الورد و اسيرولا ، 120 كبسولة” has been added to your cart. View cart
فيتامينات دعم العين والرؤية: تم تصميم مكمل صحة العين الخاص بنا على يد خبراء لضمان الدعم الأمثل لصحة العين
يحتوي على لوتيماكس (لوتين)، وزياكسانثين، ومستخلص التوت، وفيتامين C، وE، وB12، وحمض الفوليك، والزنك، والنحاس، لدعم صحة العين
تساعد التركيبة الخاصة بنا على دعم صحة العين بشكل عام، وإجهاد العين، وجفاف العين، والحماية من الضوء الأزرق. كل هذه الفوائد في كبسولات نباتية سهلة الاستخدام لمكافحة تعب العين
لها تأثيرات إيجابية على صحة الرؤية، ونوعية النوم، ويمكن أن تقلل من إجهاد العين العرضي الناتج عن التعرض الطويل لشاشات الضوء الأزرق
مثالي لدعم صحة العين وجفاف العين والرؤية
يحتوي على مستخلص الفلفل الأسود لتعزيز الامتصاص
عبوه 60 كبسوله
AREDS 2 Eye Support & Vision Vitamins: Our eye health supplement was crafted by experts to ensure optimal eye health support. Contains clinically proven Lutemax (lutein), Zeaxanthin, Bilberry extract, and Vitamin C, E, B12, Folate, Zinc, & Copper
Eye Health Support: As we get older, it’s essential to take care of our eyes. Our Areds2 Formula aids in support of overall eye health, eye strain, dry eyes, & protection from blue light. All of these benefits in 2 easy to take veggie caps
Combat Eye Fatigue: The B.L.U.E. Study showed carotenoids from Lutemax have positive effects on vision health, sleep quality, and can reduce occasional eye strain from long exposure to blue light screens. Our formula has all 3 macular carotenoids
Optimal Lutein & Zeaxanthin Ratio: Contains Lutein 20 mg and Zeaxanthin 4 mg in the heavily studied 5:1 ratio in the form of Lutemax. Ideal for supporting eye health, dry eyes, & vision. Contains Black Pepper Extract for enhanced absorption
Safety Assured Standard of Quality: Our eye health vitamins are 3rd-party tested for purity and manufactured in the USA using imported and domestic ingredients in a cGMP compliant facility. NO: added soy, gluten, milk, egg, wheat, peanuts, shellfish
Physician’s Choice Eye Health Supplement is made with ingredients based on the well-known AREDS 2 (Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2), along with patented and award-winning Lutemax 2020 to support healthy eyes and maintain healthy vision.*
A Sight for Sore Eyes
Blue Light is Unavoidable
Our eyes go through a lot during the average day.
The ingredients in our Eye Health Supplement can help reduce the negative impact of our eyes’ daily exposures.*
Maintain Healthy Vision with Age
1 in 3 Americans will face some kind of reduction in quality of vision by age 65.
Our Eye Health Supplement blend contains ingredients that are shown to promote vision quality, even as we age.*
No More Itchy Eyes
Common environmental factors can affect how well our eyes see and physically feel.
In addition to improving vision quality, our Eye Health Supplement helps promote and maintain eye moisture.*
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