Alphavitalis MACA GOLD 8000 mg – 180 Maca Capsules 20:1 Extract ماكا الذهبية 8000 مجم ، نسبة الاستخلاص 1:20 ، 180كبسولة

2.090 EGP

  • جذور الماكا الذهبيه عالية التركيز كل 8000مجم من جذور الماكا يتم إستخراج 400 مجم مادة فعالة فى الكبسولة الواحدة أى بنسبة 20:1
  • تعتبر الماكا أشهر عشبة طبيعية لتحسين الصحة الجنسية للرجال والنساء حيث تعمل بشكل طبيعى على ضبط مستويات الهرمونات الجنسية لدى الجنسين
  • تساعد في زيادة الخصوبة، وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية للجنسين، و لها دور فعال فى تحسين الصحة الجنسية
  • لتحسين صحة التمثيل الغذائى وزيادة إنتاج الطاقة
  • لتحسين المزاج وعلاج القلق
  • نباتى و طبيعى و خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى أكثر من 6 أشهر بمعدل كبسولة واحدة يومياً
  • Especially strong maca – pure original Maca extract 20:1 – best quality made in Germany.
  • Only 1 capsule necessary per day – with 400 mg 20:1 extract – equivalent to 8000 mg maca powder.
  • Maca is a very popular dietary supplement that many people take permanently.
  • 100% natural – no gluten, lactose, soy, dyes, artificial flavours, genetic engineering (non-GMO) and no magnesium stearate.
  • Maca Gold 8000 is processed in Germany under the highest quality standards – tested for heavy metals and microbiologically tested (see pictures) – no substances detected/harmless – very good price/performance ratio – sufficient for 6 months of use.

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Product description

Maca 8000 from alphavitalis with the exceptionally high filling of 400 mg 20:1 extract per capsule, significantly more content than standard extracts on the market of 4:1!
100% Maca extract from original Lepidium meyenii

What is an extract?
With an extract, water is extracted from a starting material (here the maca powder). What remains are the valuable nutritional and secondary plant substances that maca contains.
The more you remove the water (reduce the substance), the more concentrated the nutrients and the higher the extract proportion is.
In 400 mg 4:1 extract, the nutrients come from only 1,600 mg of maca powder.
Accordingly, in 400 mg 20:1 extract, the nutrients come from 8,000 mg of Maca powder instead!

With our Maca Gold 8000, you can supply your body this highly popular plant substance that has already enjoyed the greatest popularity of the Inca.
The root of this plant that is native to the Andes was cultivated by the South American natives due to its aphrodisiac effect (increases libido)
and invigorating properties
, and was considered a food for the privileged. The root bulb has a variety of ingredients
such as amino acids, carbohydrates, starches, important minerals and vitamins and antioxidants.

However, since we are not allowed to write anything about the effects of these, we ask you to inform yourself using a search engine of your choice.

Recommended intake:
1 capsule daily with a little bit of water.

Made in Germany under the highest quality standards without magnesium stearate.

Trust in our quality, trust inalphavitalis – naturally better living.