ALP Arella Elements Zinc 50mg – Zinc Gluconate | Family Pack 365 Vegan Tablets Hochdosiert زنك 50 مجم _ جلوكونات الزنك ، 365 حباية

2.930 EGP

  • جيكونات الزنك الصورة التى يمتصها الجسم بسهولة وعالى تركيز  50 مجم
  • الزنك النباتى الطبيعى المعدن الأمثل لتحسين صحة الجهاز المناعى
  • الزنك من مضادات الأكسدة القوية و محارب للشيخوخة والتجاعيد
  • يحسن الزنك من وظائف الأنزيمات التى تهضم البروتينات والدهون والكربوهيدرات
  • ضرورى لتجديد الخلايا وصنع المادة الوراثية
  • ينصح الأمهات الحوامل بتناوله لتحسين النمو والتطور الطبيعى للجنين
  • خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى 12 أشهر
  • Everyday and for exercisers – Zinc deficiency can affect jeden. In situations with higher Zinc is required, it’s many people in weight, this rein with of the food of an accident. This is the vegans, vegetarians a lot, pregnant woman, still end, Old People and people that reduces stress on a regular basis are consumed, alcohol or active wear.
  • Large Wirkungs spectrum and the trace element Zinc can promote the set-up the Erbsubstanz and cell growth. It can support carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism processes.
  • Zinc can help support stimulate hair follicles healthy skin, hair, nails, bones and the formation of keratin, collagen, key components of the the skin, hair, nails and bone, beneficial.
  • German quality product – Tablets are produced in Germany and are our strict quality control.

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Everyday and for exercisers – Zinc deficiency can affect jeden. In situations with higher Zinc is required, it’s many people in weight, this rein with of the food of an accident. This is the vegans, vegetarians a lot, pregnant woman, still end, Old People and people that reduces stress on a regular basis are consumed, alcohol or active wear.

  • Large Wirkungs spectrum and the trace element Zinc can promote the set-up the Erbsubstanz and cell growth. It can support carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism processes.
  • Zinc can help support stimulate hair follicles healthy skin, hair, nails, bones and the formation of keratin, collagen, key components of the the skin, hair, nails and bone, beneficial.
  • German quality product – Tablets are produced in Germany and are our strict quality control.