Vitamaze L-arginine capsules high-dose, 360 capsules with VITAL formula B6, B12, folic acid, selenium and piperine for 3 months, pre-workout food supplement without unnecessary additives, Made in Germany خليط من الأرجنين مع فيتامين ب6 و ب 12 وحمض الفوليك والسيلينيوم 360 كبسولة

3.660 EGP

  • خليط من الارجنين والسيلينيوم وحمض الفوليك وفيتامين ب 6 وب 12 لتحسين الصحة الجنسية ولزيادة إنتاج الطاقة
  • الأرجنين حمض أمينى يعمل على زيادة أكسيد النيتريك المسؤول عن تمدد الأوعية الدموية وزيادة تدفق الدم الى القضيب و يؤدى الى زيادة صلابة وقوتة
  • لتحسين الصحة الجنسية وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية
  • ثقة أكبر فى الحياة الجنسية و تحسن واضح فى الأداء الجنسى
  • يجعل قضيبك أكثر صلابة و تستمتع بمغامرات جنسية تدوم طويلا
  • من مضادات الأكسدة القوية الذى يحمى الخلايا من التحطم والأمراض
  • لزيادة إنتاج الطاقة وزيادة فى النشاط والحيوية
  • خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصاديةقتصاديه تكفى من شهرين الى ثلاث اشهر
  • High dosage: 360 capsules high dose for 2-3 months of continuous use. The daily dose (max. 3 x 2 capsules) contains up to 4500 mg L-Arginine HCL. One capsule contains 750 mg L-arginine hydrochloride – one part of it (622.5 mg) is the L-arginine base.
  • Optimisation of the physiological combination of L-arginine, piperine, selenium and vitamins pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9) and methylcobalamine (B12): vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy metabolism. Vitamin B12 and folic acid contribute to the reduction of fatigue. Selenium contributes to normal formation.
  • Best bioavailability: without the controversial additive magnesium stearate (magnesium salts of fatty acids) for optimal absorption of active ingredients. Many other manufacturers use magnesium stearate as a release agent in the production.
  • German quality product: we only produce in Germany. Our production conforms to HACCP standards. In the development and production of our products, we work closely with scientists and experts.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Satisfied customers are important to us, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our products. We are here for you. Buy today without risk for the best value for money on the market, we offer 30 days free return policy.

Availability: In stock

SKU: 17483 Category: Tag:

Do not exceed the recommended dose. Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Not suitable for children and teenagers. Keep the product unopened, cool, dry and out of the reach of children. Minimum shelf life until end/lot number: see the base of the can.




L-Arginin HCL, Kapselhülle (Gelatine vom Rind), Trennmittel (Reis Kleie Extrakt), Schwarzer Pfeffer Extrakt, Pyridoxin HCL (Vitamin B6), Folsäure (Vitamin B9), Natriumselenit (Selen), Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12)




Take 2 x 2 capsules daily with sufficient water. 30 minutes before intensive effort, two additional capsules can be temporarily taken and thus the daily dose can be increased to 3 x 2 capsules.


Age & Gender

Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+



Imported From







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