Vitamaze L-Arginine Capsules 4500 mg, 360 Capsules of Pure L-Arginine HCL, Organic & Natural Supplement Without Additives, German Quality ل_الأرجنيين 4500 مجم للجرعة لتحسين الصحة الجنسية وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية وزيادة إنتاج الطاقة 360 كبسولة

4.450 EGP

  • الأرجنين حمض أمينى أساسى مشروط يشارك فى تكوين اليوريا وتخليق الحمض النووى و إنتاج البروتينات
  •  يعمل الأرجنيين على زيادة أكسيد النيتريك المسؤول عن تمدد الأوعية الدموية وزيادة تدفق الدم الى القضيب و يؤدى الى زيادة صلابته
  •  لتحسين الصحة الجنسية وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية و ثقة أكبر فى الحياة الجنسية وتحسين واضح فى الأداء الجنسى
  •  الأرجنيين من مضادات الأكسدة القوية الذى يحمى الخلايا من الجذور الحرة و يقى من الأمراض
  • يعمل الأرجنيين على زيادة إنتاج الطاقة وزيادة الحيوية والنشاط وتقليل التعب والإرهاق
  •  خالى من مسببات الحساسية وخالى من الإضافات الغير ضرورية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى لمدة تصل الى 3 أشهر
  • XXL-CAN: high dose 360 capsules L-Arginine. The daily dose (6 capsules) contains 4500 mg L-arginine HCL. One capsule contains 750 mg of L-arginine hydrochloride – part of it (622.5 mg) is the L-arginine base.
  • VEGETABLE BASE: L-arginine is made by fermenting purely vegetable ingredients. Our products are completely free of genetically modified ingredients, fungicides, pesticides, artificial fertilizers and other additives. The product is completely free from genetically modified ingredients and any unnecessary additives.
  • BEST BIOAVAILABILITY: Without the controversial additive magnesium stearate (magnesium salts of fatty acids) for the OPTIMAL RECEIVING OF ACTIVE SUBSTANCES. Many other manufacturers use magnesium stearate in their products.
  • GERMAN QUALITY PRODUCT: We only produce in Germany. Our production is based on the HACCP concept. We work closely with scientists and experts to develop and manufacture our products.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: Satisfied customers are important to us, please contact us if you have any questions about our products. Buy today WITHOUT RISK at the best price-performance ratio on the market, we offer 30 days free return policy.

Availability: In stock

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Our “Vitamaze | Amazing life” brand is synonymous with well-being and an active lifestyle. It is the ideal range for anyone wanting to live a calm yet energised life. The high-dosage vitamins, minerals and plant extracts systematically help to naturally maintain many different body functions.

All the food supplements we offer meet the stringent Vitamaze guidelines. We work closely with scientists and experts when developing our own products. In all our products, you will find that the quality of raw materials used is first class. All products are as pure and natural as possible and many are therefore suitable for people with allergies as they don’t contain unnecessary allergens. Nearly all products are vegan or vegetarian and do not contain the anti-adherent magnesium stearate in order to provide good bioavailability.

l arginin

Vitamaze L-Arginine high strength 4500


high strength

One capsule contains 750 mg of L-arginine hydrochloride – part of it (622.5 mg) is the L-arginine base. However because pure arginine is not chemically stable enough, another stage of the production process converts it into L-arginine hydrochloride, which is the best form of arginine for use by humans.

l-arginin l-arginine larginin larginine arginine arginin


Made in Germany

SEMI-ESSENTIAL AMINO ACID: Arginine is a component of the proteins and important to a whole range of body functions.

EXCELLENT BIOAVAILABILITY: Contains no magnesium stearate anti-adherent

NORMAL CAPSULE SIZE: Our L-Arginine high strength has a normal capsule size (“00”) to prevent difficulty swallowing. Many providers use oversized capsules.

  • developed by experienced specialists
  • recommended by fitness coaches and nutritionists

Free From unnesessary additives – suitable for people with allergies

VEGETABLE BASE: Made by fermenting of natural raw materials and free from additives.

BEST BIOAVAILABILITY: Without the release agent magnesium stearate (magnesium salts of fatty acids) to maintain the ideal effectiveness. Please inform yourself about magnesium stearate and its effects.

FREE FROM: Without genetically modified ingredients, pesticides, fungicides, artificial fertilisers or other harmful substances.

SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE WITH ALLERGIES: Free from gluten, lactose or other allergens

Made in Germany

  • Produced in Germany
  • registered by the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)
  • Unrestricted marketability has been confirmed by an independent tester.

Best active ingredients – best effect


Semi-essential amino acid

  • L-Arginine is a component of the proteins and s important to a whole range of body functions.
  • Semi-essential amino acids are vital and can be produced from other amino acids.
  • Under certain conditions, semi-essential amino acids become essential for body functions: e.g. Illness, physical activity, growth phase and age.




High strength with normal capsule size

  • Our L-Arginine high strength has a normal capsule size (“00”) to prevent difficulty swallowing. We only use beef gelatine
  • Vitamaze L-arginine 4500 is produced by means of fermentation. The raw materials are 100% plant based and contain carbohydrate. Depending on the season, they may be cereals or maize.
  • The natural metabolic process of special microorganisms convert these raw materials, thereby producing pure arginine amino acid.




Popular with athletes

  • Recommended by fitness coaches and nutritionists.
  • We recommend taking two Vitamaze L-arginine capsules twice a day (morning and evening) with 1-2 glasses of water (300-400ml) before a meal.
  • Two capsules can be taken up to three times a day for short periods when undertaking intensive exercise. In such cases, take two additional capsules with plenty of liquid 30 minutes before high levels of performance are needed
Age & Gender

Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+



Imported From











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