Solgar Chelated Iron 25 mg, 100 Tabletsكلاتيد الحديد تركيز 25 مج 100 قرص

1.540 EGP

  • انتاج شركة سولجر الامريكية لصناعة المكملات الغذائية عالية الجودة
  • كلاتيد الحديد 25 مجم شكل فريد من الحديد النباتى لطيف على المعدة ولايسبب تهيج الجهاز الهضمى او الامساك و عالى الامتصاص
  • الحديد ضرورى لتكوين الهيموجلوبين و هو البروتين الذى يحمل الاكسجين من الرئه الى جميع انسجة الجسم
  • الحديد هو احد المعادن النادرة الاساسية الموجودة فى معظم الخلايا و التى تلعب دور فى انتاج خلايا الدم الحمراء كما يدعم انتاج واستغلال الطاقة
  • طبيعى و خالى من اللون والطعم الصناعى و خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • كبسولة واحدة يوميا مع الطعام وعلبة اقتصادية تكفى لاكثر من 3 اشهر
  • ESSENTIAL IRON: Iron is and essential trace mineral found in most human cells which plays a role in normal red blood cell production and also supports energy utilization. This is because iron is an important part of hemoglobin which is the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the body
  • SIMPLY SOOTHING: While some iron supplements can cause gastrointestinal irritation and constipation, Solgar Gentle Iron Vegetable Capsules contain a unique form of iron (iron bisglycinate) which is formulated for enhanced absorption in order to be non-constipating and gentle on your stomach
  • KOSHER, GLUTEN FREE & SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS: These tablets are KOF-K Kosher certified, non-GMO and certified gluten free. They are free of: gluten, wheat, soy, dairy, yeast, sugar, and sodium. They are also free of artificial flavors, sweeteners, and preservatives

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

“Recyclable Amber Glass” – Based on H&H Glass Inc. (Hwa Hsia Glass U.S.A.) Claims Summary 9/14/2020: Solgar Amber Glass Bottles are made from 50% cullet (broken or refuse glass) and can be recycled

Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+


25 mg









Imported From

United States


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