Simply Supplements Ginkgo Biloba & Korean Ginseng | Supports Mental Performance & Helps with Circulation | Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly | 120 Tablets | Manufactured in The UK سمبل سبلايمنتس خليط نباتى من الجانكجو بيلوبا 3000 مجم والجنسنج 1000 مجم لدعم صحة المخ والذاكرة والمزاج 120 حباية

1.901 EGP

  • شركة سمبل سبلايمنتس إحدى الشركات البريطانية لصناعة المكملات الغذائية
  • خليط نباتى طبيعى من جانكجو بيلوبا 3000 مجم والجينسينج 1000 مجم ، 120 حباية تكفى لمدة تصل الى شهرين حسب الجرعة المستخدمة
  •  تركيبة خاصة يتم تصميمها من مكونات نباتية عالية الجودة والنقاء لضمان سهولة الإمتصاص وسرعة إستخدامها فى الجسم
  •  خليط الجنسنج والجانكجو يستخدم منذ القدم لعلاج الضعف الجنسي للرجال وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية
  • يعملان معا على زيادة مستويات الطاقة وتقليل التعب والإرهاق ودعم الأداء العقلى ويساعد فى تنشيط الجسم وتحسين صحه المخ وكذلك زيادة إنتاج خلايا التائية التي تعتبر أحد مكونات الجهاز المناعى فهو يقوى الجهاز المناعى
  • يعتبر من المضادات الأكسدة القوية التى تقلل الالتهابات كما تعمل على خفض مستوى سكر الدم
  • يستفيد الكثير من الأشخاص الذين يعانون من برودة اليد والقدمين من تناول هذا المكمل فله فوائد محتملة على الدورة الدموية وأيضا يحسن الأداء العقل والمعرفى وخاصه عند كبار السن
  •  كما يتضمن هذا مكمل مصدر للحديد و فيتامين ب 6 يشتهر الحديد بدعمه لنقل الأكسجين وبالتالي يدعم الدورة الدموية ويدعم صحة الجهاز المناعى و فيتامين ب 6 يساعد فى تقليل أعراض التعب والإرهاق
  • نباتى وخالى من مسببات الحساسيه[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Website” type=”url” /][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” /][/contact-form]
  • WHY TAKE THIS POPULAR REMEDY? – Many people who suffer from cold hands and feet benefit from taking a daily Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng supplement, and its potential circulatory benefits may also help to improve cognitive functioning, mental performance, vision and hearing, especially in older adults.. Korean Ginseng is an energising herb, the effectiveness of which is enhanced by the circulatory benefits of Ginkgo.
  • A BEST SELLING FORMULATION – Our Ginkgo Biloba and Korean Ginseng tablets contain standardised extracts, which have been specially formulated to ensure that they are easily absorbed and used by the body.
  • THE VEGAN SOCIETY – We are proud to declare that this product is registered with The Vegan Society; giving you the confidence that our vegan friendly products meet official vegan standards.
  • MANUFACTURED IN THE UK – Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) approved for complete quality assurance of the highest standard of manufacturing.
  • WHY CHOOSE SIMPLY SUPPLEMENTS? – Established over a decade ago, we have grown to become an industry leader supplying customers all around the world with premium quality supplements. Our purpose is simple. We are here to make healthy living simpler!

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To complement the Ginkgo Biloba and Korean Ginseng, our nutrition experts have included a source of iron and vitamin B6 in every tablet. Iron is famous for supporting oxygen transport in the body and contributes to the normal function of the immune system, whilst vitamin B6 supports psychological function and helps to reduce symptoms of tiredness and fatigue.

When taking two or three tablets a day as a food supplement or as directed as a healthcare professional; each bottle containing 120 tablets could last up to 2 months depending on dose taken. Each beneficial round tablet measures just 8mm in diameter making them super easy to swallow.

Every tub is carefully sealed to ensure maximum freshness and potency. All of our supplements utilise a “use by” date for your peace of mind and a “batch number” as evidence of our ongoing QA processes. We maintain full certifications of analysis for all our supplements to pledge you a product you can trust.





Quality Assured Products

Our supplements are produced only in Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) approved facilities that are independently tested on a routine basis. These standards ensure that everything from the quality of base material, to the equipment being used, meets the very highest standards of quality and purity.

Super Strength Ingredients

We don’t cut corners by using substandard raw ingredients. Instead, our advanced manufacturing process utilises scientifically standardised extracts. This allows us to create far more concentrated supplements than those of competitors, ensuring you receive a generous dose of our active ingredients in every tablet or capsule.

A British Success Story

Simply Supplements is a British success story. We’ve been selling supplements in the UK for over a decade, and in that time we have created a huge range of products to suit all health needs. If you care about your health, then Simply Supplements is a name you can trust for quality products produced at the highest of standards.

Leaders In Nutrition

The experts at Simply Supplements are relied on as expert sources by a whole host of household names. You may have seen us anywhere from Prima to Sky News, Yahoo to MSN. Our qualified nutritionists don’t just help to make the most innovative supplements but also ensure you receive the accurate health-related information you need.