Pure Shilajit Resin with Spoon, High Nutritional Potency, Plant-Derived Trace Minerals & Fulvic Acid 30gmريسين الشيلاجيت النقي مع ملعقة، قوة غذائية عالية، معادن نادرة مشتقة من النباتات وحمض الفولفيك 30 جم

4.840 EGP

  • ور هيمالايا شيلاجيت مصدر طبيعى لحمض الفولفيك والمعادن النادرة
  • منتج فريد من نوعة يحتوى على الشيلاجيت الطبيعى دون أى مواد كيميائية
  • الأكثر مبيعا فى أمريكا
  • علبة إقتصادية بها 30 جرام
  • يحسن الكتلة العضلية و يزيد الخصوبة عند الرجال
  • يعزز هرمون التستوستيرون وما يرتبط به من مهام
  • يحسن وظائف الجهاز المناعى ويقلل الالتهابات
  • يقوم بتحسين وظائف المخ
  • يعتبر الشيلاجيت أمن جدا ولا يوجد أعراض جانبيه مهمه لتناولها
  • Pure shilajit resin harvested from the Siberian Mountains at 16,000+ ft altitude. Used often in ancient ayurvedic traditions our grade A shilajit is loaded with 85+ trace minerals and naturally derived fulvic acid, making it an excellent choice for you to live a balanced lifestyle.
  • With a gold standard of purity, potency and absolutely no hidden ingredients, you will experience 200mg of authentic shilajit resin with each serving. Our high-potency shilajit for men and women comes in a 30g jar with a light-protected glass bottle to keep the shilajit fresh.
  • Feeling run down? Enjoy a surge of overall feeling and strength with Pure Himalayan Shilajit resin. The quality of filtering the shilajit is important to experience the full benefits of it. Unlike an ordinary mineral supplement, the naturally occurring fulvic minerals component of shilajit improves mineral absorption to support your well-being, immune system, energy level and digestion. Enjoy a better overall quality of life.
  • Experience the power of shilajit! Our shilajit resin containing unique 85+ trace minerals and naturally occurring fulvic acid provides you with the essential minerals your body needs to stay energized. Simply dissolve a pea-sized amount of shilajit resin in warm water or add it to your favorite drink and you will take control of your overall wellness!
  • Premium quality with non-chemical extraction, our pure natural shilajit for men is filler-free, additive-free and contains no hidden ingredients. Each bottle comes with a spoon. Get the most out of your day with shilajit resin from Pure Himalayan Shilajit – the perfect pick-me-up!

Product Description

Shilajit is the fulvic acid dietary supplement. Our product has been treated using modern technology of cold extraction. Compared to the traditional approaches it preserves most of the molecular properties including the extremely fine filtration. It also has an advantage over other mineral supplements as it is 100% naturally harvested, not mixed or synthesized with other elements and its deposits are limited.

Shilajit from Siberia is like a resin. It could be used straight as well as mixed with your drink. Siberian Shilajit resin found at much lower attitudes than Himalayan Shilajit that makes it 2-3 times more affordable. You just need to take the slightly greater amount of Siberian Shilajit compared to Himalayan one to get the same effect.

How to use
No hidden ingredients
What is Shilajit?
pure himalayan shilajit liquid original solid himalayan shilajit freeze dried powder Shilajit Resin Shilajit Drops, Tablets Shilajit Shangrila
Liquid Shilajit Extract Original Solid Shilajit Freeze Dried Shilajit Powder Shilajit Resin Shilajit Drops, Tablets Shilajit Shangrila Extract
Size Variation 5gm • 15gm • 50gm 2gm • 8gm • 36gm 5gm • 10gm • 30gm 30gm • 115gm 12gm • 24gm 15gm • 50gm
Container Glass Plastic Glass Glass Plastic Glass
Cost Per Serving 0.50 • 0.24 • 0.18 0.66 • 0.45 • 0.31 0.3 • 0.25 • 0.20 0.11 • 0.06 0.21 • 0.14 0.62 • 0.43
Concentration Low High High Med Med Low
Origin Himalayas Himalayas Himalayas Altai Altai Himalayas
Processing Low Med Med Med Med Low
Included Spoon Spatula, except 2gm Spoon Spoon N/A Spoon
Altitude 16,000 16,000 16,000 14,000 14,000 16,000
Use Cases Thin like an oil but not oily, best choice for mixing with any liquid or apply on skin, freshest form of shilajit, for home us, not made for travel Light and dry, great for consuming during physical activity such as running or cycling, very potent, easy to carry Universal use, either mix it with food, drink or take it directly as is, very potent, should be kept in dry area Like a tar or goo, may be messy if carried, better use at home diluted in water or taken straight Pre sized dry drops, take like a pill with water Thin like an oil but not oily, take it straight, under the tongue or mixed with any liquid
Taste Bitter Bitter Bitter Bitter Bitter Sweet


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