PhenQ Weight Loss 60 Pills فين كيو لفقدان الوزن 60 حباية

5.150 EGP

  • مكمل غذائى جديد و فريد ومثير يجمع بين العديد من الفوائد لفقدان الوزن
  • فين كيو لفقدان الوزن ، خليط من (الكافيين والبيبرين و فيتامين 3 ب والصبار و بيكولينات الكروم الثلاثى و الكارنتين )عالية الجودة
  • اخفض وزنك بخمس طرق مختلفة
  • يزيد عملية حرق الدهون من خلال زيادة معدلات التمثيل الغذائى والحرارة فى الجسم
  •  ويزيد عملية إنتاج الطاقة لفقدان الوزن بدون متاعب
  • يقلل الشهية ويزيد الإحساس بالشبع
  • يوقف إنتاج الدهون لمنع زيادة الوزن مرة أخرى
  • يحسن فين كيو المزاج ويقلل التعب والإرهاق
  • تركيبة عالية الجودة تم إنتاجها فى الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة فى منشآت معتمده وحاصل على شهادات الجودة العالمية
  • يحتوى فين كيو على العديد من المكونات منها بيكولينات الكروم الثلاثى يساعد الكروم وهو معدن طبيعى اساسى موجود فى اللحوم والخضروات فى الحد من الرغبة الشديدة فى تناول السكر والكربوهيدرات من خلال مساعدة جسمك على التحكم فى مستويات السكر فى الدم
  •  الكافيين فهو موجود فى الكثير من مكملات إنقاص الوزن و مشروبات الطاقة فإن قدرته على زيادة اليقظة والتركيز وتقليل التعب وتقليل الشعور بالجوع وتعزيز حرق الدهون
  •  الصبار يحتوى على نسبة عالية من الألياف مما يساعدك فى التحكم فى الجوع و غنى بالأحماض الأمينية التى توفر الطاقة بالإضافه الى المساعدة فى تقليل الوزن الزائد الناتج عن إحتباس السوائل
  • الكارنتين حمض أمينى يساعد فى تحويل الدهون المخزنه الى طاقة

PhenQ is a powerful new dieting formula combining multiple weight loss benefits to help you get the slim, sexy body you’ve always wanted

  •  Unique new weight loss supplement designed to give you better results than others
  •  Burn stored fat and reveal your hidden dream body
  •  Suppress your appetite to eat less and cut calories
  •  Block fat production to stop weight gain
  •  Improve your mood and energy levels for hassle-free weight loss
  •  High quality formula produced in the US and UK in GMP and FDA approved facilities

Availability: In stock

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Speed up the fat burning process by boosting your body’s metabolic and thermogenic rates to unveil a slim and sexy figure.
PhenQ contains ingredients that actually help stop the production of new fat, meaning you won’t need to worry about gaining weight.
PhenQ makes calorie-cutting easy by curbing your appetite and making over-eating and hunger cravings a thing of the past.
Recharge your batteries with a blend of energy-boosting ingredients designed to stop the energy dips caused by dieting.
Cutting calories can leave you feeling cranky, but PhenQ’s gentle mood enhancing properties ensure dieting won’t take its toll on your temper.
By combining all the benefits of multiple weight loss products into just one pill, PhenQ makes losing weight straightforward, simple, and saves you spending on several products!



A blend of capsicum, piperine, caffeine and niacin (vitamin B3), make up the fat blasting power of Capsimax Powder. Both the capsicum pepper plant and piperine (otherwise known as black pepper) have strong thermogenic properties which can help you slim down by turning up your body heat. By increasing thermogenesis, these two ingredients enable you to burn more body fat. It’s also been suggested that piperine may even have the ability to stop the formation of new fat cells. Multiple studies have demonstrated the weight loss benefits of capsicum, and findings suggest this natural substance could produce ‘clinically significant levels of weight loss’. 1


An essential natural mineral found in meat, vegetables and wholegrains, chromium helps curb your sugar and carb cravings by helping your body control your blood-sugar levels. When you eat foods containing sugar, such as carbs, the sugar is absorbed into your blood and carried to your cells to be used for energy. When your cells have enough sugar, you stop craving it. Chromium helps your cells take in as much sugar as possible, which means you’ll experience far less carb and sugar cravings, making losing weight much easier. An eight week study by Cornell University found that chromium supplementation curbed appetite and carb cravings in people with depression.3


There’s a good reason why you’ll find caffeine in so many weight loss supplements and energy drinks. As a stimulant, its ability to increase alertness, focus and reduce fatigue4 are well known. It can also help you feel less hungry, boost the fat burning process by increasing thermogenesis, and help you to get more out of your exercise routine by improving your performance. 5


The nopal cactus is high in fibre, helping you gain more control over your hunger. It’s also extremely rich in amino acids, providing you with much needed energy through your weight loss journey, as well as helping reduce extra weight caused by fluid retention by helping flush fluids from your tissues into your bloodstream.


The naturally occurring amino acid L-carnitine is found in foods such as red meat, nuts and green vegetables. It helps your body turn its fat stores into energy, meaning you’ll not only burn fat but combat the tiredness often caused by dieting too.


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