Nutricost Tudca 250mg, 60 Capsulesمكمل غذائى لدعم صحة الكبد 250 مجم للجرعة ، لتطهير و تخليص الجسم من السموم 60 كبسوله

3.750 EGP

  • TUDCA هو ملح الصفراء الذى يوجد بشكل طبيعى فى الجسم ويستخدم بشكل اساسى لتعزيز تدفق الصفراء فى الكبد ويعمل على إزالة الصفراء من القنوات الكبد و هذا يساعد على إنتعاش الكبد ويعزز وظائف الكبد الصحية
  •  يركز على صحة الكبد لأنه يعزز مستويات أنزيمات الكبد ، مكمل ممتاز للعنايه بالكبد ويدعم  قدرة الكبد على التجديد
  • يدعم أيضا صحة الأمعاء والمناعة ولصحة القلب والغدة الدرقية
  •  كبسوله يوميا على معدة فارغة
  •  خالى من المواد المعدلة وراثيا خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • 60 Capsules of Premium Tudca Per Bottle
  • 250mg of Tudca Per Capsule
  • High Quality Tudca, Non-GMO, Soy Free, and Gluten Free
  • 3rd Party Tested To Ensure Product Quality And Integrity
  • Made In A GMP Compliant, FDA Registered Facility. Lid May be White or Blue

Availability: In stock



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Nutricost Tudca – Formulated To Be The Best

  • 250mg of Tudca Per Capsule
  • 60 Capsules Per Bottle
  • Made in a GMP Compliant Facility
  • Non-GMO, Soy-Free & Gluten-Free
  • Cruelty Free! Never From Bear Bile


The lids on most Nutricost products are gradually changing from the original white lids to a new blue lid. During this transition you may receive a product with either.

Nutricost Non-GMO Gluten-Free Quality Assured Third-Party-Tested GMP Compliant Facility

Nutricost: Health for EveryBODY

Nutricost, located and headquartered in the USA, only uses the best ingredients to ensure maximum quality and to help you feel your best! By keeping our recipes simple and clean, you get the best experience possible with Nutricost. All Nutricost supplements are manufactured in a GMP-compliant facility, provide high-quality ingredients, and offer a variety of options for your health support.

From exact ingredients to our simple formulations, each of our supplements states clearly what they provide so you know you’re getting what you want. Nutricost makes it our mission to provide you with clear choices to support health for EveryBODY.

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