Nutravita Magnesium Citrate 1480mg Providing 440mg Elemental Magnesium Per Serving – 180 Capsules – UK

3.660 EGP

  • شركة نيوترافيتا من أفضل الشركات البريطانية لصناعة المكملات الغذائية وحاصلة على العديد من شهادات الجودة العالمية
  • سترات الماغنيسيوم الطبيعية النباتية عالية التركيز 1480مجم سترات الماغنيسيوم يحتوى على 440 مجم من معدن الماغنيسيوم ، عالية الامتصاص
  • يلعب الماغنيسيوم دور مهم فى صحة الجهاز المناعى وصحة الجهاز العصبى
  • يقوم الماغنيسيوم بزيادة توليد الطاقة من التمثيل الغذائى ويقلل التعب والارهاق ويحسن الحالة المزاجية
  • ضرورى لصحة وظائف العضلات والعظام والأسنان والمفاصل
  • أكثر من 300 تفاعل داخل الجسم يعتمد على الماغنيسيوم
  • خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى 3 أشهر
  • ✓ WHY BUY NUTRAVITA’S MAGNESIUM CITRATE? – Our high potency and excellent absorption formula contains 1480mg Magnesium Citrate per serving providing you with 440mg of needed Elemental Magnesium.
  • ✓ WHY TAKE MAGNESIUM? – Magnesium is also called “the mighty mineral” because the cells in our body depends on magnesium in regulating day-to-day metabolic reactions to help in the process of cell division and protein synthesis, to facilitate proper muscle and nerve function, and in maintenance of normal bones and teeth. Claims substantiated by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority).
  • ✓ HOW DOES MAGNESIUM HELP ATHLETES, RUNNERS, AND DURING EXERCISE? – The role of magnesium especially during strenuous physical activities of people who trains or works out on a daily basis is essential as minerals including magnesium are lost when we sweat. As substantiated by EFSA, intake of magnesium helps in the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, and in maintenance of electrolyte balance and normal energy-yielding metabolism.
  • ✓ WHICH INGREDIENTS ARE USED IN NUTRAVITA? – We have a dedicated team of pharmacologists, chemists & research scientists working to source the finest and most beneficial ingredients allowing us to provide advanced, high strength vitamins & supplements which contain no artificial colours or flavours, GMO-free and free from allergens such as Gluten, Wheat, Lactose, Nuts and Nut Traces.
  • ✓ WHAT IS THE STORY BEHIND NUTRAVITA? – Established in the UK in 2014 – we have become a recognised & trusted brand by our customers across the world. Our products are high quality – everything we manufacture is made & certified in the UK safeguarded by the highest manufacturing standards in the world (GMP, BRC).

Availability: In stock



Magnesium Citrate 1480mg

Our high potency and excellent absorption formula contains 1480mg Magnesium Citrate per serving providing you with 440mg of needed Elemental Magnesium.

Benefits of our High Strength Magnesium Citrate:

  • Has a wide range of health benefits
  • GMO Free
  • No Binders Or Fillers
  • Easy Swallow Capsules


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