NOW Supplements, Taurine 1,000 mg, Double Strength, Nervous System Health*, 250 Veg Capsules
التورين من ناو تركيز 1000مجم عبوه 250 كبسوله

4.200 EGP

  • يقوم بضبط ضغط الدم المرتفع عند الأشخاص الذين يعانون من ارتفاع في الضغط الدم.
  • يجعل كمية الأملاح الموجود بالجسم متوازنة.
  • يعمل التورين على ترطيب الجسم بطريقة فعالة.
  • يقوم بتحسين جميع وظائف القلب، مما يعالج قصور القلب الاحتقاني.
  • له دور كبير وفعال في عملية تقوية الجهاز المناعي وتحسين حالته، حيث إنه مضاد للأكسدة.
  •  يعالج جميع مشكلات الكبد، حيث إنه يعمل على تحسين وظائف الكبد بصورة مباشرة
  • يستخدم أيضًا كعلاج حالات القيء والغثيان التي تحدث نتيجة العلاج الكيماوي، وذلك عند تناوله بالفم.
  • من أهم استخدامات التورين هو تقوية صحة القلب وتحسين قوة العضلات وزيادتها
  • This product has twice the taurine (1,000 mg) as in our regular strength product (500 mg). Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid, which is not utilized for protein synthesis, and is mainly found free in most tissues, especially throughout the nervous system.* It functions in tissues by stabilizing cell membranes, aiding the transport of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium in and out of cells.* Taurine helps to generate and regulate nerve impulses and aids in the maintenance of fluid balance; it is also used by the body in visual pathways, as well as in the brain and nervous system, where it works together with glycine and GABA as a neurotransmitter.* Natural color variation may occur in this product.

Product Description

This product has twice the taurine (1,000 mg) as in our regular strength product (500 mg). Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid, which is not utilized for protein synthesis, and is mainly found free in most tissues, especially throughout the nervous system.* It functions in tissues by stabilizing cell membranes, aiding the transport of potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium in and out of cells.* Taurine helps to generate and regulate nerve impulses and aids in the maintenance of fluid balance; it is also used by the body in visual pathways, as well as in the brain and nervous system, where it works together with glycine and GABA as a neurotransmitter.* Natural color variation may occur in this product.


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التورين من ناو تركيز 1000مجم عبوه 250 كبسوله”
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