د ھ ا أوميجا3 من زيت السمك 1000 مجم تلعب دور اساسى فى تحسين وظائف المخ وزيادة الذاكرة
لتحسين صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية و خفض الدهون الثلاثية والكولسترول
لتحسين صحة العين والرؤية ولصحة الجلد
ينصح الأمهات الحوامل بتناوله لما له من فوائد كبيرة لصحة الجنين
آمن ولا يوجد أعراض جانبيه مهمه لتناوله
علبة إقتصادية تكفى 3 أشهر
EXTRA STRENGTH! 1,000 mg DHA PER SOFTGEL: DHA-1000 Brain Support has four times the DHA (1,000 mg per softgel) than our regular strength product (250 mg per softgel).
FISH OIL CONCENTRATE IS PRODUCT OF PERU: This fish oil concentrate is a product of Peru and manufactured under strict quality control standards.
CERTIFICATIONS/CLASSIFICATIONS: GOED Omega-3 Proud Member, Keto Friendly, Soy Free
GMP Quality Assured: NPA A-rated GMP certification means that every aspect of the NOW manufacturing process has been examined, including our laboratory/testing methods (for stability, potency, and product formulation).
Packaged in the USA by a family owned and operated company since 1968.
During the summer months products may arrive warm but Amazon stores and ships products in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations, when provided.
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