Liver Medic Leaky Gut Repair Powder Unflavored (180g)
5.650 EGP
مسحوق إصلاح الأمعاء المتسرب بدون طعم لصحة الأمعاء
نباتى وطبيعى وأمن وفعال وسريع الإمتصاص
يعيد بطانة الأمعاء التالفة من السموم والأدوية
يقوى نسيج الأمعاء و يخفف الإمساك والإسهال ويخفف القولون العصبى
NATURAL SAFE & EFFECTIVE – Comprehensive approach to support leaky gut healing. Leaky Gut Syndrome, also called intestinal permeability has been widely accepted by progressive physicians as a major health risk for years. Available in “PLAIN UNFLAVORED” & “MINT CHOCOLATE”
RESTORE LEAKY GUT – Supports restoration of damaged gut lining (Leaky Gut ) caused by environmental factors such as toxins and pharmaceuticals. Provides a temporary intestinal barrier while stimulating natural production of mucilage (a gel-like polysaccharide that coats the stomach and gut lining)
MAXIMUM STRENGTH – preferred by naturopathic physicians. Strengthens gut connective tissue while, easing diarrhea, constipation and GI discomfort
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