blood pressure lowering supplement – ANTIOXIDANT NATURAL MEGA COMPLEX 1440 MG – Elderberry extract capsules SUPPORT IMMUNE SYSTEM: Antioxidants are vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for protecting body from damage done by free radicals, which are molecules that can attack healthy cells, and can weaken our immune systems. Antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids, lutein, catechins, and more, can all be found in certain foods, as well as dietary supplements. HEART CHOLESTEROL SUPPLEMENTS: Research shows that acai berries are extremely high in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant that can be helpful supporting balanced cholesterol levels. They are also rich in plant sterols that can be beneficial for supporting cardiovascular system, supporting circulation and relaxing vessels. MOOD AND ENERGY BOOSTER: Noni can be beneficial for stimulating seratonin and melatonin production. They help feel more energetic, can be beneficial for supporting healthy mood and maintain emotional condition. MEMORY AND BRAIN SUPPLEMENT: Resveratrol is particularly unique as its antioxidants can cross the blood-brain barrier and can be beneficial for supporting the brain and the nervous system. Recent studies done by researchers at the Nutrition Research Center at Northunbria University in the U.K. showed that resveratrol can be beneficial for increasing blood flow to the brain, suggesting a considerable benefit to healthy brain function.
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Healthy Supplements LLC Blood Pressure lowering Supplement – ANTIOXIDANT Natural MEGA Complex 1440 MG – Elderberry Extract Capsules مكمل لخفض ضغط الدم ، ومضاد للأكسدة طبيعيا ميجا مركب 1440 مجم ، 60 كبسولة
1.584 EGP
- مضاد للأكسدة طبيعيا ميجا مركب 1440 مجم : لتحسين صحة الجهاز المناعى ووظائف المخ و مضاد للشيخوخة
- مركب طبيعى يحتوى على العديد من مستخلصات الأعشاب ومنها الكرز الأسود والتوت البرى والرمان لتحسين صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية والدورة الدموية
- مصدر جيد للألياف وفعال فى فقدان الوزن
- يحفز إنتاج السيراتونين والميلاتونين و يحسن الحالة المزاجية ، وزيادة إنتاج الطاقة والنشاط
- ANTIOXIDANT NATURAL MEGA COMPLEX 1440 MG: Our beneficial mega complex includes many natural antioxidants. It can be benficial for fighting off free radicals, boosting immune system, supporting brain functions, supporting healthy hearth and have powerful anti-aging benefits.
- SUPPLEMENTS ANTIOXIDANTS: This powerful all natural complex include many herbs and extracts, such as: Acai fruit, Goji berry, Noni, Mangosteen, trans-Resveratrol, Pomegranate, Elderberry, Grape skin, Raspberry Fruit powder, Black Cherry fruit powder and Blueberry Fruit powder.
- FIBER SUPPLEMENTS FOR WEIGHT LOSS: Low in calories, fat-free, a good source of fiber and a high-antioxidant food, goji berry benefits include the ability to help you fight off harmful organisms, bad backteria and fight off free radicals, effectively manage your weight and can be beneficial for better digestion.
- ANTIOXIDANT FOR WEIGHT LOSS: Our unique formula include mangosteen. Incorporating mangosteen in diet may be effective in weight loss. The various nutrients found in mangosteen also ensure good health and well-being.
- OUR GUARANTEE: PREMIUM QUALITY SUPPLEMENT PROUDLY MANUFACTURED IN THE USA! We use only the best ingredients, all of which are manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities, with strict adherence to good manufacturing practices (GMP)!
Out of stock
SKU: 10490
Category: All Products
Age & Gender | Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+ |
Conc | 1440 mg |
Imported From | United States |
Ingredients | Herbs |
Servings | 30 |
Size | 60 |
Unit | Capsules |
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