GNC Ubiquinol 200 mg 30 Softgels يوبيكوينول 200 مجم الصورة النشطة لكيو10 ، 30 سوفت جيل

2.178 EGP

  • يوبيكوينول الصوره النشطة لكيو 10 والصورة الأكثر إمتصاص
  • تناول يوبيكوينول مفيد جدا لصحة الجسم وخاصة للأشخاص التى تزيد أعمارهم على 40 عام لإنخفاض قدرة الجسم على تحويل كيو 10 الى يوبيكوينول مع تقدم السن
  • يولد الطاقة في الخلايا ويجعلك تشعر بمزيد من الطاقة والنشاط
  • يحسن صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ولصحة المخ
  • لصحة الجلد و يحارب الشيخوخة والتجاعيد
  • يحسن الخصوبة للرجال والنساء
  • خالي من مسببات الحساسية
  • GNC Ubiquinol 200 mgUbiquinolul reprezinta forma redusa (oxidata) a Co-Q10 (ubiquinona).Produsul ofera o forma activa a Co-Q10, Ubiquinol (Kaneka QH™), mult mai biodisponibila si utilizabila de catre organism.

    Ubiquinolul este un puternic antioxidant, care lupta impotriva actiunii daunatoare a radicalilor liberi si a stresului oxidativ, ambele procese fiind asociate cu imbatranirea prematura.

    Aportul optim de ubiquinol asigura energia necesara functionarii normale a celulelor, fiind implicata in procesele mitocondriale. De asemenea, poate avea efecte benefice asupra sistemului cardiovascular, putand avea capacitatea de reglare a tensiunii arteriale.


    • GNC Ubiquinol 200 mg contine Kaneka QH™, forma activa a coenzimei Q-10, Ubiquinol, Kaneka Coenzyme Q10™;
    • Ubiquinol (Kaneka QH™) –  Produs cu biodisponibilitate maxima, puritate si acuratete;
    • Ofera o concentratie ridicata de substanta activa: 200 mg/capsula de CoQ-10, 100% naturala, extrasa din drojdie, obtinuta printr-o reactie de fermentare microbiana;
    • Intervine in protejarea si imbunatatirea functiei cardiovasculare;
    • Reduce degradarea celulelor, in urma actiunii daunatoare a stresului oxidativ;
    • Ajuta persoanele de varsta mijlocie sau inaintata sa poata sa regenereze cantitatea de coenzima Q-10 din plasma;
    • Nu contine zahar, amidon, coloranti si arome artificiale, conservanti, sodiu, grau, gluten, porumb, lactate.

    *Produsul este un supliment alimentar si nu trebuie sa inlocuiasca o dieta variata si echilibrata si un stil de viata sanatos.

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GNC Ubiquinol 200 MG Dietary Supplement

Ubiquinol is a form of CoQ-10 that’s highly bioavailable. It offers a very effective means of increasing CoQ-10 levels.*

Includes 200mg ubiquinol, which is a form of CoQ-10, in a highly bioavailable form
Details of GNC Ubiquinol 200 MG softgels

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GNC sets the industry standard for ingredient transparency, truth in labeling and product potency—all while remaining on the cutting edge of nutritional science.

We know that one person’s journey is different from another’s, which is why we carry a large assortment of products in stores and online.

GNC is committed to helping our community lead healthier, better lives. Shop, save and support your needs at your local store, one of our other 9,000 locations, your phone and many other convenient ways.

*FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+


200 mg

Imported From

United States








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