Bronson Vitamin A 10,000 IU Premium Non-GMO Formula Supports Healthy Vision & Immune System and Healthy Growth & Reproduction, 180 Softgels
برونسون فيتامين أ تركيز 10000 وحده دوليه لدعم صحة النظر والمناعه 180كبسوله

2.210 EGP

  • 1000 وحدة دولية لكل كبسولة واحدة. يدعم الرؤية الصحية والجهاز المناعي والنمو الصحي
  • يحتوى فيتامين أ على نسبة عالية من الخصائص والمركبات التى تعمل على تعزيز صحة الجهاز المناعى والوقاية من الفيروسات والعدوى.
  • يحافظ على صحة الرئتين ويحميهم من الالتهاب والتليف والمشاكل التى يتعرضون لها.
  • يحتوى فيتامين أ على بعض الخصائص التى تحافظ على صحة البشرة وتحميها من حب الشباب والالتهابات الجلدية والاحمرار.
  • يعزز الخصوبة ويساعد على الانجاب، لذلك ينصح بتناوله دائما فى حالة تأخر الانجاب
  • High Potency: 10,000 IU per single softgel. Supports Healthy Vision & Immune System and Healthy Growth & Reproduction.
  • Superior Quality: Laboratory tested NON-GMO. All Bronson products are tested in our state-of-the-art cGMP registered facility in New York.
  • Trusted Since 1960: The pioneers of Bronson Vitamins were a group of pharmacists who witnessed the benefits of vitamins and mineral supplementation firsthand with their patients. Bronson Vitamins have been consistently mentioned by top medical professionals since our inception in 1960.

Product Description

Peak Health with Vitamin A 10,000 IU Supplements Essential retinol and carotenoid nutrition are delivered with Bronson’s 10,000 IU Vitamin A. A potent antioxidant, 10,000 IU Vitamin A taken daily may help to maintain healthy eyesight and enhance immune system function for overall well-being. Presented in this formula as Vitamin A palmitate, this fat-soluble form of Vitamin A may be particularly beneficial for the eyes and skin. This and other great health benefits are delivered in every easy-to-swallow, rapid release softgel. As we age, the amount of Vitamin A needed daily may increase. Make sure you’re getting healthy amounts with Bronson’s Vitamin A 10,000 IU supplements. Only one 10,000 IU Vitamin A softgel per day is recommended for peak health benefits. Bronson offers a full line of 100% natural Vitamin A supplements which can be conveniently delivered to the destination of your choice.*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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برونسون فيتامين أ تركيز 10000 وحده دوليه لدعم صحة النظر والمناعه 180كبسوله”
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