AsaVea Whitening Cream for Armpits, Intimate Parts, Between Legs – with Collagen – Effective Lightening Cream – Brightens, Nourishes, Moisturizes Underarm, and Bikini Area كريم التفتيح بالكولاجين ، لتفتيح وترطيب تحت الابط وبين الارجل

1.267 EGP

  • كريم تفتيح البشرة بالكولاجين لتفتيح طبيعى وفعال ويعمل بقوة وبعمق على جميع أنواع أجزاء الجسم
  • احصلى على بشرة أكثر إشراقا وأكثر نضارة و أكثر تناسقا
  • آمن ولطيف ومن مواد طبيعية عالية الجودة والنقاء وخالي من أى مواد كيميائية
  • يمكنك استخدامه بآمان على جميع أجزاء الجسم تحت الإبط والركبتين والمرفقين ولتفتيح الأماكن الحساسة بدون أى آثار جانبية
  • غنى بمضادات الأكسدة و يساعد فى إزالة المواد الكيميائية والسموم والبكتيريا
  • Instant Effective – Instant Brightening and Nourish
  • This brightening cream for intimate parts can be used for a variety of places on your body: underarms, neck, back, legs, and elbows for a more glowing look. No need to get other lightning products – one product for all.
  • Not only will it brighten your skin, but it will also nourish and moisturize your skin with gentle, safe ingredients which include glycerol, hydrolyzed collagen, bamboo charcoal.
  • Get ready for the summer season and bikini body through this instant brightening cream. No more embarrassing darkened spots when you are at the beach, pool, vacation, or having a special occasion.
  • Our formula effectively brightens your skin and gives you the brightened look that you have been looking for.

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SKU: 1469 Category:

No more feeling embarrassed for darkened skin in unwanted areas. Now get ready to see your skin lightened through AsaVea Brightening Cream with Collagen.

This Brightening cream can be used nearly on every body part, including your underarms, private areas, knees, elbows, and back.

It’s gentle, yet effective!

Go ahead and order now to experience the benefits of our brightening cream.


– Brightening

– ALL Body

– Effective

– Moisturizes

– Nourishes

– Protects

– Restores


1. Clean and dry skin.

2. Apply and massage into skin until fully absorbed.



– To make skin nice and moist, soft and supple as well as heal and protect your skin keeping it healthy and bright.

Hydrolyzed Collagen

– Different from regular collagen. It can more naturally be absorbed by your skin for radiant skin and to repair thick pores

Bamboo Charcoal

– To help remove dirt, dust, chemicals, toxins, peculiar smells, and resist new bacteria from forming.

Perfect for Summer, Vacation, Weddings, Graduation, and more!


– For optimal results, use it after showering.

– Allow the cream to absorb into skin for 10-15 minutes after application and massage for another 30 seconds

– Use an SPF protectant in the day.

– Apply the cream after removing hair like shaving or waxing.

Age & Gender

Female Teens, Kids, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+

Imported From

United States






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