For as long as humans have been cooking food over fire, bone broth—the simmering stock of bones from fish, beef, chicken, turkey and other animals that are typically discarded—has been a daily part of life. And it’s celebrated by cultures around the world. That’s why we have our Bone Broth Protein Supplement. It begins as a true bone broth liquid. It’s then dehydrated, making it into a concentrated source of high-quality, tasty powder. A quality Bone Broth Protein powder comes with the benefits of a homemade broth, but it’s even more versatile in so many recipes. What’s more, Bone Broth Protein supplies 20 grams of bone broth-fueled protein. It is an amazing protein supplement that helps anyone who loves bone broth enjoy the benefits of real, homemade broth without spending hours boiling bones in your kitchen. The long cooking process allows easier digestibility and assimilation of key nutrients. Of course, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are critical. But bone broth is something we should all consider adding back into our diet for these benefits of benefits that you can’t get anywhere else.
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Ancient Nutrition Bone Broth Protein Powder, Turmeric Flavor, 20 Servings مسحوق بروتين مرق العظم ، بطعم الكركم ، 20 جرعة ، 406 جرام ، غنى بالكولاجين والجلوكوزامين والكوندروتين
2.592 EGP
- مسحوق بروتين مرق العظم يمد الجسم بإحتياجاته من الكولاجين و الجلوكوزامين و الكوندرويتين
- بروتين مرق العظم له الكثير من الفوائد الصحية وخاصة لتحسين صحة العظام والمفاصل( أثبتت الدراسات أن عند أكل عضو معين فى الحيوان يقوى العضو المناظر له فى الإنسان)
- بروتين مرق عظم غنى بالكولاجين الذى يحسن صحة الجلد والشعر والأظافر
- بروتين مرق العظم غنى بالمعادن التى تحسن من صحة الجهاز الهضمى والأمعاء
- لتحسين صحة المخ وزيادة الذاكرة و التذكر
- مهم لكبار السن لقلت إنتاج الجسم للكولاجين و البروتينات المختلفة
- يحارب الشيخوخة و التجاعيد
- خالى من مسببات الحساسية ولا يحتوى على هرمونات او مضادات حيوية
- BRAND NEW PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT: A breakthrough in protein supplementation that delivers the benefits of homemade bone broth in a convenient, easy-to-mix, spice-infused powder.
- ESSENTIAL: Bone Broth Protein provides powerful nutrients your body needs to thrive, including collagen, gelatin, glucosamine, chondroitin and key minerals often missing in the diet. These vital nutrients are essential for joint health, gut health, skin health, brain health and healthy aging.
- SUPERIOR QUALITY: Friendly for almost any diet or lifestyle. Itís Paleo-friendly, dairy-free, soy-free, grain-free, gluten-free, loaded with 20 grams of highly-absorbable protein, contains 0 carbs and less than 100 calories per serving.
- FAST RESULTS: Easily and smoothly mixes in protein shakes, smoothies, juices and more. You can enjoy a glass of gut-nourishing, joint supporting, protein-supplying turmeric bone broth in less than 60 seconds (in a blender or smoothie).
- TRY IT RISK FREE: Buy with confidence when purchasing exclusively from Ancient Nutrition. Click the “Add to Cart” button to give Bone Broth Protein Turmeric a try. If you’re not 100% satisfied with your purchase, Ancient Nutrition will happily refu
Out of stock
SKU: 7801
Category: All Products
Age & Gender | Female Teens, Kids, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+ |
Imported From | United States |
Ingredients | Amino Acids |
Servings | 20 |
Size | 500 |
Unit | Grams |
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